"Mama...sick" (Mildred + Cordelia)

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Hello this was a request by paulsonmyl0v3

Prompt: a sick fic with Cordelia and/or Mildred

Y/n POV ~~~

I see mama and mommy are holding hands over the car console, we are driving back home after getting diner with some of my mommy's and my friends.

My feet swing up and down, singing along with the music, I am trying to stay active! I always fall asleep on car rides but I am determined to stay uppies so we can play when we get home.

"Mama! Twurn it up pwease!" Mama giggles looking at mommy.

"What do you say Delia darling?" Mama says to mommy.

Mommy turns to me at, slight smile on her face, "well something tell me someone's trying to stay awake?" Mommy lifts her eyebrow in superstition.

I dramatically place my flat palm against my chest sucking in a deep breathe, "I would nwever mommy!"I play up my act.

"Well alright, can you turn up the tunes mama, someone is S L E E P Y. I don't think it will change that." Why they always have to talk in code!

I will crack this code one day!

Mama turns up the music as mommy takes her phone doing something?

I watch curiously to see mommy open her music app....that's suspicious.

Next thing I hear is a soft melody...a lullaby.

Uh ohs! It's game time! I have to stay uppie!

I sing my own lyrics to the soft noise, "AND Y/N  IS THE BESTES AND MAMA AND MOMMY ALL TOOOOO!"

Mama starts to hum and mommy joins her, mama the whispers something into mommy's ear.

I watch them discuss something secret as I still just making any noise I can. I am just babbling at this point trying to fight against the mighty power of soft music.

Mommy turns around to face me rest her head against the her seat, mommy keeps humming starring at me blinking slowly.

I rest my head against my seat smiling looking at her giggling, "what do mommy?"

Mommy brings her hand to my ankle and lightly rubs her thumb up and down or in circles. Such a soft gentle touch, it's at the pace of the music.

Mommy's smiles so bright and kind, mama smile was very similar. They are the bestest mama and mommy ever.

Their hums were so sweet, so gentle, very entrancing. I wiggle into a comfy position hearing mommy giggle as I do it.

Mommy pauses her humming and starts shushing me.

I then snap my eyes back open! I didn't even notice that I stopped singing or even closed my eyes.

"Shhhh honey you can nap, we are still a bit from home."

"You wake me up pwease?" I say fighting a losing battle, eyes failing me, my body being consumed by heat.

It's so so warm, almost too warm, "mama AC pwease"

Mama POV (Mildred)~~~~

I look up in the mirror to see the back sweat and y/n colour has shifted a bit.

I look at my wife who material instincts have already taken over as her face screams of worry.

"Honey are you to warm?"

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