Day at the park (Ally)

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This was requested by this gem: mylittlepeaches Sorry it took so long...

Y/N's POV ~~~

"Mommy Mommy Mommy! I need help Mommy!"

"Baby baby baby, what's wrong are you okay?" I cant see mommy enter the room but I know she's in here.

It was super dark, I was trapped I couldn't move my arms. I tried and tired to get out but I was just making it worse I wanted to show mommy I could do it but I messed it all up and got trapped in the process.

I started crying and wiggling trying to correct what happened but then I heard mommy again.

Ally's POV ~~~

I walk into the room my little one sounds in destress, she has her hoodie stuck. She tried to pull her head though an arm hole silly little thing.

I walk over to her and she starts crying and sniffling. "Hey hey it's okay little one mommy's here, stay still okay." 

I kneel down and bring y/n to my lap as I grab the area around her head and stretch it to pull her head back into the chest of the material.

I am carful not to pull her hair, I guide her arm out of the place her heads suppose to go and place it through the arm hole.

Finally pulling it down and her adorable messy head of hair pops up. I see her little red tear stained cheeks and kiss her forehead pulling her into my embrace.

"There she is." I tease and I see her little pout and she crosses her arms over her chest looking towards the wall. "Hey what's got my girl all grumpy?"

She sighs heavily and wipes her tears, "nwothing..." I give her a look that says, 'yea okay' and she wraps her arms around my hiding her face in my neck. "I twried to dwress myself and mwessed it up!"

I rub her back and move away and see her face, "It can be hard sometimes baby there is nothing to be upset about okay."

"Otay...mommy?" She's smiling and sniffling.

"Yes y/n?" I smile at her fast her mood changed.

"Can we go to the park today?" I brush the stray hairs away from her face and smile.

"Of course my sweet darling, let's fix your hair and pack some snacks then we can go play?"

Y/n jumps off my lap screaming, "YAY!" down the hallway towards the bathroom. I go in to see her sitting on the counter facing the mirror and the hair brush and some elastics on the counter.

I spray her hair with some detangler and put it in too cute little buns.

"Alright get your shoes on, I am just going to finish packing honey."

I help y/n off the counter and go to grab the diaper bag. I give myself a mental check list
Snacks... packed I did that this morning

"Okay coming sweetheart." I make my way over to y/n and get her into the car heading to the park.

Y/N POV ~~~

Mommy put on my favourite playlist for the car ride, I knew we were going to my favourite park because we had to drive to it.  I was singing along to the music when mommy pulled into the parking lot.

"Yay pwark pwark pwark!!" Mommy helped me out of the car as soon as mommy shut the door she looked at me and opened her mouth to talk but I cut her off. "Cwar hands, I know mommy." I smile at her jumping up and down anxious to go play.

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