Sneak attack (C.G, B.D.H, W.V)

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Hello character request was from : claurethomson223
Thank you for reading and loving the book! Sorry this took a bit but I hope you like it!

Y/n POV ~~~

Tonight was suppose to be happy and fun, the weekend we all got to be here and now.

I woke up this morning with mommy Delia to make breakfast it was perfect!

Mommy let me crack all the eggs, I ended up making a little bit of a mess but she helped me clean it up.

I was happy to see my other mommy's come downstairs, that's of course until we all sat and ate discussing the plan for the day.

I wanted my mommy's to have fun all they do is work, and recently they have all been stressed and grumpy.

I sit at the table slowly coiling inward listening to my mommy's bicker, I don't think they slept much last night. Something must of happened because they were all grumpy with each other.

When I don't sleep I get grumpy, maybe they all just need a nap! I listen back to the conversation so I can find a time to jump in. "You always use that excuse Wilhemina get something new."

The keep talking back and fourth I can't even get in. I climb out of my chair and head up to my room grabbing some of the things mommy use to help me nap.

Running down the stairs with my arms full I turn the corner to see not much has changed in the kitchen.

I go back to my seat pushing my plate away and that caught their attention. I smile and place all the stuff I brought with me on the table.

"Y/n what's all this?" Mommy Mina asked me.

"Nap time, you all rweally grwumpy so I share my nwap stuffs!" I proudly announced handing out a stuffy to each mommy and blanket.

"Well thank you baby but I have some work I need to do okay. I'll come put you down for your nap later."

My face immediately goes sour after mommy Billie said that. "Nwo nap, I am not gwunpy. Mommy's need a nap!"

I protest, "haha alright y/n we didn't mean you had to nap now." Mommy Mina chimed in.

"Nwo nap!" I see my mommy's shake their heads smiling.

"Okay no naps but mommys all have to work apparently even though we had an agreement..."mommy Delia said hugging me close glaring and my other mommy's.

Mommy Billie picked me up and took me to the living room while my other mommy's cleaned the kitchen.

"Here you go sweetheart, blankies on the couch, whole bunch of toys in the toy box and cartoons. Mommy's all have to work but once we are done I promise you we can do what you want." Mommy Billie said before she left downstairs to her office.

I continue to watch my show where I hear my other mommy's. "Well I told you before, I am not having it! This is the last time you two do this."

"And you Delia, don't act so innocent in this." I tilted my head in confusion? I don't understand why they are all so upset? I need to figure how to make them happy.

I was alone in the living room, I tried to play with my toys but I wasn't having fun, I switched my attention to cartoons also not working.

Boredom is going to be the end of me I thought sprawled out on the floor.

I need to think, mommy's are all upset and I am upset they are upset.

I need a cheer up plan, I sit up and think and think. I am becoming frustrated with my lack of ideas so I pick up the closes thing to me which happened to be miss Cookie the bunny.

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