I do it! (Mildred + Wilhemina)

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Hello the character request was from Sarahsnewwife

Mildred POV ~~~

I was woke up to the sound of snores and my little y/n body practically on top of mine. I was the first one awake like usual, I look over to see my beautiful wife's hair in a lose fitting braid.

Her small lose hairs sticking to her face, both my loves so adorable. I look at y/n and see he thumb stuck between her lips and a trail of drool leading down her hand onto my chest.

These were my favourite type of mornings, because it was Saturday neither me or Mina worked which meant we all got to send some time together.

Today we planned to have a nice relaxing home day since the weather was suppose to be terrible.

Well y/n was upset about relaxing till we explained that home meant lots of cuddles, movies, and play time which she soon saw as the perfect way to spend her time.

I cuddled my two girls a little longer and I notice my little on start to stir. She turns her head and starts rubbing her face onto my chest, I knew what she was looking for.

She starts to whimper, "shh shh here you go baby girl." I placed one of nipples on y/n's cheek till she turned her head and latched on.

She softly suckled and I look down at her moving her hair so I can she her beautiful face, such a sweet darling. I begin to rub her back and I see her little eyes open up and look at me.

"Well good morning my beautiful girl, did you sleep okay?" Y/n smiled around my nipple and unlatched.

"Mama!" Y/n screeched and I quickly shh her pointing towards Mina.

"How about we wake up mommy Hmm?"

Y/n pushed on my chest and shook her head, "Nwo! Y/n do it!" I giggle and kiss her cheek.

"Go ahead baby mamas going to start breakfast."

Wilhemina's POV ~~~

My chest feels heavy and I know it my little one I wrap my arms around her engulfing her into a hug.

"Mommy...mommy...mommy! Mommy wake uwp!" Y/n was poking my cheek then moved to licking my nose. She knew I hated it she and Mildred would do it to anyone me...with love they say.

"Alright alright stop, y/n baby did mama put you up to this." I laugh sitting up with y/n in my lap.

"Nwope y/n did it." She proudly smiles, I kiss her forehead and place her onto the mattress before getting up and wrapping myself in my robe.

"Come on little one let's get you all cleaned up for the day." I reach my arms up waiting for y/n to crawl onto them but she stays and crosses her arms over her chest and puts on a pout?

She shakes her head and crawls over to the other side of the bed and slides down landing on her bottom. I walk over to the other side and go to pick her up under her arms and she protests dropping all her weight to the floor. "Y/n dwo it mommy."

I sigh but stand back up, "alright then baby let's go then." She crawls ahead of me and into her closet.

She uses her shoe shelves to pull herself up on wiggly legs. Her headspace today must be a bit younger since walking doesn't look like it's going to happen today.

I watch her study all the clothes, "alright honey you can pick mommy's going to get dressed." I walk to the end of the closet and start gathering my outfit for the day.

I glace towards my little one and see here pulling a whole bunch of clothes down making a mess.

"Hey hey hey, you want help honey." She looks towards me and narrows her sweet eyes looking like the biggest grump in existence.

"Y/n big girl, I do it mommy!" I sigh and walk back over to my side.

"Fine but you are helping mommy clean that up." She ignores me and continues to grab things and craw back into the room.

I am not appreciating the attitude I need to get her to mildred so she can see the sass. Our little one is usually always so well behaved but she's pushing limits today.

Y/n POV ~~~

I heard my mommy's talking yesterday when they thought I was asleep. They were talking about having a simple easy day.

I wanted to help them, so I decided to be a big girl and do everything for myself today so they can spend time togther and with me.

Only problem is right now mommy is getting in the way, so I took my clothes and crawled to the bedroom to my change table getting all my stuff and going into the bathroom.

I am sitting in the bathroom trying to tape the diaper on, it feels weird but I think I did it. I put on my overall dress and then put my hair in pigtails.

I crawl to see mommy just doing her hair in the mirror her back facing me. "Did you go potty sweetheart? Mommy will help you in just a second."

"Nwo thank you mommy I go swee mama." I crawl past mommy and hear her coming up behind me.

"Hey y/n stop, get back here!" That almost sounded like her angry voice...whatever I find mama.

"MILDRED! I NEED HELP!" I see mama head peak at the end of the hall she's looking behind me.

I turn my head to see mommy right behind me trying to pick me up.

"NWO MAMA!" Mommy picks me up and lays me onto the couch.

Mama comes into the living room giggling. "Wha-what happened?" Mamas laughing.

"Someone decided listening is not an tool they chose to use today."

"Mina her diaper is on backwards her cheeks are hanging out, her dress is all twisted at the shoulders, and her poor head." Mama giggles more I don't get it she laughing at mommy?

Mommy lifts my legs and starts laughing too. "How did you manage this baby girl, I honestly don't understand."

Mama undoes my pigtail and pulls my dress off, I try to grab the material I am dressed we are wasting play time!

"Hey hey hey y/n what's gotten into you today let mommy's help."

"Nwo y/n do it! I awlready did it!"

"I love your attempt sweet heart but this way you will be more comfortable. Mildred can you turn her a minute this diaper is being difficult!"

"Honey wants with the pout, grumpy pants we are almost done."

"I twride to helps mama I-" now I am crying, mommy pulls me into her lap and starts cooing in my ear while mama is kissing my temple rubbing my back.

"What's wrong honey are you hungry, tired?"

"I wanted to hwelp swince it was relax day." I pout and both my mommy's awh and coo at me. It's cheering me up but I am still sad I messed it up.

"Honey we can still have a fun day, we love taking care of you we look forward to it darling please don't be upset."

"That's right little one we love you and love spending time with you, how about we eat then you can chose what we do first today."

I lift my head to look at my mommy's and smile sipping my tears away, "we mwake cwookies?"

"Yes baby come on." Mama picks me up and puts me in my chair placing my bowl in front of me and strapping a bib on.

"Eat up honey." Mommy's let me feed myself so we could all eat together. I am so happy and excited for the rest of the day to come.

I hope you liked it

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