Little lecture( Diane)

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Requested by: whorefordianesherman

Prompt: Diane and reader story where reader slips in class and Diane takes care of her.

Y/n's POV ~~~

Just breathe you are fine y/n just breathe! Come on y/n! We need to relax! It's just a...exam...a final examination...examination that will determine everything and anything!

I go and take my seat near the front of Miss. Sherman's class looking out the window trying to relax a bit.

What's that tapping's getting hot. I feel like I am shaking, I look down and see my leg bouncing up down.

It's been such a miserable day overall.

I am apart of the last group of students and my 'group' consisted of three of us. I waited and waited but still I was by myself. The exam was going to start in 2 minutes!?

I look outside taking in the outdoor scene in front of me trying to calm myself.

'COME ON Y/N breathe! In and out it's so simple come on...please!'

I was becoming more and more stressed how is it just me!? Still no sign, just me and minuscule noises.

Everything was becoming to much! I keep trying to look outside but the rain is only coming down harder smashing against the leaves on the trees, the grass, pavement, and roof.

Everything was so loud and constant! That stupid clock! Taunting me! I look up towards it and see it's now 20 minutes pass exam time.

No no no how!? Why!? Come on y/n no no no no!

I open my laptop to check my emails, this can't be happening please god no.

I see an email...I've had it since this morning? That's not possible I checked!?

I opened the email from Miss Sherman...

'Group G's exam has been moved to room 412 in building C'

No no no! I pack up all my stuff running.

Breathe y/n it's okay you are fine everything's fine.

I am here! How? I was running so fast I must I have been? But?

"Miss Y/l/n you are late and unfortunately forfeit your right to take this exam you fail! Now leave!"

"But Miss Sherman! Please I-I"

"Enough leave! You need to leave!"
No no no! I can't help but fall to my knees and lose all control as I cry banging on the door that was slammed in my face.

"Please no! Please please!" No no everything getting dark what is going on!

"Y/n? Y/n darling wake up honey. Shhhh you are okay."

What? I lift my head from my arms that were resting on the desk onto of my laptop.

"Y/n? You alright?" I look up seeing soft concerned brown eyes looking towards me.

I look around a bit, I am in the school library? I turn my head back to Miss Sherman, she started squeezing my shoulder I didn't even notice her hand was there.

"Y/n honey? You must of been having a bad dream honey? You okay?" She started to rub my back and I couldn't help but cry a bit.

"Sorr- sorry Miss Sherman I-" I kept cutting myself off with sniffles and whines.

"Shh shh shh no no, no sorry. Come here sweetheart" Miss Sherman took me into her arms.

She pressed my against her, holding me close scared I would leave. Reality being I never want to.

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