Workplace slip (Linda)

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Hello requested by this gem: mylittlepeaches

Prompt: Y/n is Linda's new coworker and they work together. Y/n slips into little space and asks Linda to take her potty because she has to go. She doesn't make it in time and starts crying. Linda confused and concerned tries to takes care of her.


"Hello, Um I'm not sure where I need to go? I was told to head to this department." I handed the lady at the front desk my paper.

It was my first day here at the pentagon, I was trying to complete my internship. I would be working alongside with someone for the time being.

"It's just on the third floor area B cubical 36."

"Thank you." What does that even mean...I am so nervous, what if I can't find where I am going!?What if they are mean, what if they don't like me.

I make my way to the elevator, I go to press the button, "hold on, wait!." I press the hold open and a tall blonde women in professional attire walks in.

I can't help but stare for a moment, she glances towards me, "hi, um do you know where I am suppose to go?"

I hand her the paper, she leans towards me and looks. She smells of floral perfume, "oh are you y/n?"

"Um yes y/n  l/n." She smiles and holds out her hand. I shake her hand, they are soft and warm.

"Hello y/n I am Linda, and I believe that you and I are cube mates. You are here on an internship right."

I smile, "yes I am it's nice to meet you, very excited to work with you."

The doors open and Linda tells me to follow her to our area. I place my things down and start getting to work.

Linda and I chat occasionally, she even brings me coffee.

Not a fan of coffee but I try to drink it anyways. I hear Linda chuckling. I look towards her with my eyebrows frown.

"Everything alright? Did I do something wrong."

"No no I can just tell you are not a coffee drinker. The faces your making are proving that. Your cute little nose scrunches."

I bring the back of my palm to my face to feel my flushed cheeks. She just called me cute or my nose at least...also was I that obvious?

"Guilty, never could really get a taste for it, thank you though I do appreciate it."

"Your a funny kid."

We continued working occasionally assisting each other in tasks. She was so nice and funny. I had moments where I almost got to comfortable and slipped but I always managed to distract myself.

Working along her may be harder than I thought? I always had my moments once in while where I could potentially slip but not this much. Something about her gives me comfortable safe feeling.

She was strong, assertive, firm but also gentle in everything she did.

I was so distracted by the tasks I had and how much I was enjoying her company that I hadn't realize how much time as passed.

Linda tapped my shoulder getting my attention,"You are a busy bee, how about we take a short break and head to grab something to eat I am starving!"

I smile, "yea sure that sounds like a great idea." As I stood up Linda turned her back and started walking. I subconsciously reached my hand out to hold hers but caught myself in-time and pulled back.

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