Big little adventure (Bette and Dot)

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Hello this was requested by:KhadijahHedgepeth

Y/n x Bette and Dot Tattler

Y/n POV~~~

Today mommy's and I are going into town to shop, it was our turn to get groceries for the camp.

"Hold my hand baby and stick close okay." Mommy (Bette) held out her and I happily link my fingers with hers.

As we walk down the street we get a few odd stares but noting we are not use to at this point. Walking down the street I see my favourite store here in town. The Candy Emporium, if I was well behaved we got to stop there on the way home.

I start tugging on mommy pointing in it's direction, both brunettes look in my direction "words darling what is it you are trying to show us?" Mama spoke.

"cwandy cwandy!" I start jumping up and down huge grin sitting on my face.

"Not yet baby you know the rules, if you listen to me and mommy we can stop before we go back. Now come on honey Jimmy is coming to pick us up in a hour we have to be quick." I sigh but nod my head to show my understanding and continue walking.

I look back and look into the window of the store, it's decorated with window paintings and lollipops, cotton candy bags, liquorice ropes, it's just calling my name! Y/n y/n, join us in paradise!

We turn down the street and I lose sight of the magical wonderland of sweets. The faster we get this done the faster I get candy, I tighten my grip on mommy's hand and start walking faster towards the boring grocery store.

"Slow down sweetheart, we will have time don't worry." We reach the store and mommy's grabs the shopping cart. "Alright sweetheart hands on the cart at all times." I nod and grab onto the shopping cart as we walk down the isles.

As we walk along I try and sneak some things into the cart hiding them under some of the stuff. I got a box of cereal, a bag of chips and I was reaching to grab some juice boxes when I felt someone's hands around my wrist.

I look up and see mamas eye brow arched, biting the inside of her cheek. "What are you doing honey, we have juice at home. Also you have to keep your hands on the cart."

I pout my bottom lip and look and mommy, "please mommy's may we get this juice!"

"No honey like mama said we have some at home, now put it back." I reluctantly place the boxes back on the shelves and place my hands on the cart. Mommy's turn around and continue to shop before mama faces me again.

"Did you put anything else in the cart y/n?"

"Nwo mama, I only gwabbed what we needed." Mamas eyes narrow and she places her hand on her hip.

"Which would be?" Mommy cued in.

"Um yummy swtuff for... pwepper and others." They start to look inside the cart and find the goods. Caught red handed damn it, think puppy pout didn't work...

I let go of the cart and go and hug mommy's, I look up to see them starring at each other. They are most likely talking to each other in their heads, that was never a good sign on my end. I see mama nod towards mommy and they both face me.

"You can have one of these, but if you don't start listening then we put it back okay?" I nod and smile, my plan worked.

It's been like 100000 minutes I am so bored and want candy already. Mommy and mama are discussing what to get and I have completely lost interest. I kind of need to go potty too, I tug on their dress. I wasn't allowed to interrupt them so I just kept tugging waiting for them to acknowledge me.

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