How little? (Karen)

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Hello this one was requested by this lovely gem: mylittlepeaches

Prompt: Karen "adopts" y/n as her little, and she dosent realize how little her headspace really is. She has to change her first diaper and is very nervous.

Karen's POV ~~~

I have been y/n's care giver for almost two weeks now. Things have been amazing, she is the most adorable and sweetest little bug.

I wanted a fresh start at life, I got clean, I moved away, got a job working in a craft store then eventually people actually started buying my work.

I was able to make my art independently and started a class for people while still enjoying what I love to do.

I started do order request for people online and that's how I met y/n.

This is all new to me, a learning experience. We have our ups and downs just the other day I experienced dealing with y/n first tantrum.

It ended in lots of cuddles and sweet soothing words. Today y/n wanted to garden in the back.

It's still a bit cold this time of year and rainy so all we are really able to do is pull out weeds and prepare the soil to plant.

Aka y/n gets her mini tools and makes a mess of herself and the yard. I love it seeing my bug so happy, it's all I can ask for.

"Y/n honey stay still." She's wiggling around and jumping. "I know you are excited honey but the quicker we get your jacket and shoes on the faster we get out there."

"Otay mommy." She stopped wiggling but the jumping is still happening and honestly I can live with it. Seeing her smiling ear to ear is worth it all.

"Cwome on cowme on cwome on!" I looked at her , "pwease cwome on!" She smiled, I nodded my head and then stood up pointing towards the door.

As soon as I opened the door y/n ran to the shed and grabbed what she needed for the activity at hand.

She ran over to the garden beds plopping her bottom in a pile of dirt and getting to work.

I went and sat down pulling out my sketch book, looking up occasionally to check on y/n.

I would hear her giggle and squeal ever so often just to see her causing chaos but the cutest kind of chaos. Our poor garden I laugh to myself.

Y/n's POV ~~~

I love how the mud and dirt feels between my finger, I wonder how it would feel between my toes!?

I look to see if mommy is watching me and when I see she's still drawing I rip off my boots and socks burring my feet in the mud so she can't see.

I clap at my success! I am so sneaky! I see mommy lift her head and I make sure the dirt is still covering.

"What's going on love bug, you having fun?"

"Ywes mommy!" She smiles before looking down again. I get up and start stomping around helping the mud and dirt spread around for gardening.

We are going to have the most beautiful garden and- uh oh!? I need to go potty, I can hold it so I can play longer.

I go to walk around but I feel the urge to crawl, I go on a adventure! Getting down out of the beds I head towards the shed.

"Y/n? Where did you go?"

"awdventure mommy!" I yelled, I am trying to concentrate!

I hear mommy coming closer, "y/n honey? What are you looking for can mommy help...Why are your boots and socks in the mud?!"

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