Lunch plans (Ally + Lana)

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Hello request by someone who wishes to remain anonymous ✨

Prompt: Ally and Lana are y/n mommys. They have to take y/n to the restaurant but she's grumpy and cranky since she didn't sleep at all the night prior. Lots of cooing, fluff and snuggles.

Ally POV~~~

I woke up with a smack to my face, I opened my eyes to see little y/n's hand resting on me. She's still snoring and drooling on the pillow.

She was absolutely adorable, she was exhausted not getting enough sleep at all though. Our poor baby is going to be so cranky today, I should probably talk to Lana about a plan for the day.

Poor girl had a hard long day yesterday and didn't get to sleep till later and even when she did finally sleep her tummy kept her up all night.

Lana and I took turns trying to help sooth her all night, my nipples are super sore, definitely need some nipple balm.

I moved her hand sitting up seeing my sleepy little one all sprawled out like a star fish. Little miss made the whole bed hers.

As soon as I shifted she whined reaching out, the little minx managed to wrap her arms around my waist and pull her body towards mine, resting her head on my lap.

Now I was stuck sitting up in the claws of my baby girl with her snoring into my lap.

Lana was already up, I could smell the coffee, I sigh and decide to let little y/n sleep a tad bit longer before she has to be woken up.

I move her hair from her face and use my nails to massage her back and neck. She melts and nuzzles in closer signing mumbling "mama" before snoring again.

"Well good morning dove, how's our little y/n?" Lana says walking in with a bottle under her arm and two cups of coffee.

"Shhh still sleeping, I figure we give her some time." Lana walked over kissing me placing the coffees down. She then sat next to me on the chair beside the bed, as she begins sipping her coffee.

"Got any ideas of how we should approach the day? Poor little y/n isn't going to be happy." Lana said resting her elbow on her knee and chin in her palm.

"Definitely need to give her as much time as we can grant, lots of snuggles and snacks. Hopefully we can keep okay until the lunch rush is over, one of the managers is coming in after that."

"I'll make sure to pack some toys too and colouring stuff, oh maybe bring the tablet too for music and movies." Lana placed down her coffee heading into the closet to grab y/n little day bags.

"We should wake her up together and then one of us will get the bags sorted. We will see what and who is needs when she awake. Come lay on the other side love and have the bottle ready please."

I shift so I am laying down with y/n curled into a ball.

"Of course love." Lana leans over y/n and kisses my forehead before nod comfirm if my both are ready for the day to start.

"Morning kisses and snuggles let's do this love." We share loving looks and giggles before turning our attention to the little sleepy girl in the bed.

Y/n's POV ~~~

"Y/n honey, darling darling girl, it's uppies time."

The heck it is no ways! I grunt in response turning my head into the pillow to hide.

Maybe if they No see me they go away, I so genius.

"Hey hey honey that won't work love, it's okay mommys are here can you open your eyes baby?"

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