Lullaby (Diane + Wilhemina)

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Requested by someone who wishes to remain anonymous...✨

Prompt: Care giver sings a lullaby to y/n please

Diane's POV~~~

I hear Mina's come down the hallway, Turing my head I see her weakly smiling. "Well, what's the verdict?"

Mina huffs blowing the stray strands of orange out of her face. " Well my nipples may never recover but y/n is asleep."

Mina slumps onto the couch next to me closing her eyes holding her breasts.

"I'll get the nipple balm, I made you a tea, oh and put your put on the table." Before my wife could protest preaching that, 'she's fine' I head into the bathroom to grab the rub.

Y/n has been in a mood this evening, I think her headspace is younger then usual. Poor thing just hasn't felt any contentment all day.

I am not sure what's wrong but we have been doing constant soothing evening.

Mina have taken turns do all me can to soothe our sweet darling.

I can visibly see Mina growing exhausted, but Mina refuses to end an evening without a cup of tea.

I made sure to set her up as much as possible, both my girls just need rest.

I see Mina's reading glasses perched on the edge of her nose, sipping on the peppermint tea.

I lean down and kiss her cheek before sitting next to her holding the small round metal tin.

"Thank you love"

"Do you want help?" I ask opening the tin.

"Well I -" mina turns her head to face the hallway, I follow suit.

"What it is honey?" Mina hold up her pointer finger and taps her ear. Telling me to shush and listen.

Then I hear hear it.

Pit pat pit pat of y/n bare feet hitting the wooden floors, well more like dragging along them.

Turing the corner our baby girl is finally in site, "mama? Mommy?" She grumbled, heel of her palm rubbing her sleepy eyes.

"Hi darling"I get up and hand Mina the tin.

Walking up to my girl just see how tried she really is for myself, her hairs sticking in all directs. Some hair sticking to her flushed warm cheeks and forehead.

Maybe she's coming down with something, she looks super warm. "Mama gots you honey." Y:n raises her hands up and I scoop her up.

Y/n giving me a kola hug, her head sits on my shoulder and her arms and legs wrap around me.

"Oh my sleepy baby," i kiss her warm sweaty forehead and carry her to come sit on my lap not the couch as Mina tries to gulp down her tea. "Hey Mina love slow down, I am alright."

"She may want to soothe though and -"

"Shhh it's okay honey, I can do it."

I sit and start to rub y/ns back who's eyes are closed her head still on my shoulder in the direction of her mommy.

Mina brings her hand to lightly scratch y/ns head as she reads her book.

Mina at some point stops to sip her tea, as soon as she stops a loud displeased wail comes from y/n.

She wiggled her head on my shoulder almost in a nodding motion, her wails Turing into cry's.

"Shhh mommys right her little one it's okay, I have you, you are okay." Mina immediately started up again but y/n was still fusing.

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