Workplace slip pt.2 (Linda)

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Thank you so much mylittlepeaches for helping me write and plan this story! I really appreciate it! 🥰

Y/n POV ~~~

I got a phone call from Linda not long ago telling me she was leaving to come and pick me up.

I tried telling she didn't have to but she insisted on it, how could I say no.

I went into the bathroom for one last overlook at my outfit and finish doing my hair.

I was trying to braid it but it wasn't cooperating with me. Feeling frustrated I started to feel my cheeks get warm it was then I realized that tears were falling.

"Nwo! Not fair!" I stop my foot but then I heard my door bell. I quickly wiped my cheeks and ran towards the door.

Opening I was met with the warm smile of Linda, "y/n you look-are you alright?" Her face quickly contorted into concern.

I sniffle, "yea just um hair trouble." I try to laugh it off and Linda sends me a soft smile.

"Well how about I come inside and help you Hmm?" I nodded yes eagerly grabbing onto her hand and bringing her inside.

I grabbed all my hair clips and elastics sitting on the floor in the living room. Linda came and sat behind me and started to braid my hair for me.

I was playing with the hair clips, once I felt Linda was done I took a couple butterfly ones and handed them to her.

"Pwease!" I asked and she nodded her head clipping them into place. "Thanks ma-Linda!"

"You keep doing that?" I turn to face her completely giving her a blank stare.

"Doing what?"

"You keep correcting yourself before you say my name?" I didn't want to tell her incase I ruin things so I just shrug my shoulders and look away from her soft brown eyes.

"I dunno."

"Well alright you know if there's anything you want to tell me you can. Like I said before y/n I want to care for you and learn more about you."

"I um, I just feel really comfortable around you and it makes me slip. When I slip I don't see you as Linda my new friend and coworker. I see you more in a caring nurturing sense..."

"There's nothing wrong with that at all honey. What do you see me as?"

"Um like a care giver a m-mom..." Linda smiles at me and helps me to my feet.

"I am happy that you shared that with me." She placed her palms onto my shoulders. "Please don't be embarrassed or try and hide your emotions from me sweetheart."

I nodded and gave her a hug which she accepted with open arms.

"Alright let's go to my place, do you have thing you may need?"

I contemplate her question, I mean I had my purse and all it's contents. I want to bring some other thing too though. I have been having an internal battle with myself if I should.

Since I had an accident at work I didn't want it to happen again at Linda's house. I look up at Linda playing with my fingers still thinking.

I was already wearing a diaper just incase. I kind of wanted to bring my backpack with some toys, comfort items and things to change me? What if she thinks that's weird and doesn't want to be around me? No wait she not like that?

Linda's POV ~~~

The look on y/n face screamed internal battle, I want to know what's on her mind but I don't want to push.

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