NO sleeps! (Harriet)

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Hello! This was requested by gem ✨claurethomson223

Sorry it took so long and I really hope you like it!

Prompt: Harriet is reads mommy and they fall asleep cuddling. Harriet wakes up seeing y/n not in her arms, not in the room and starts to worry.

Edited by:mylittlepeaches 😊

Harriet's POV ~~~

Not even 20 minutes into the movie y/n adamantly insisted on I already hear her soft snores.

I giggle playing with her hair as she is snuggled into my side in deep sleep. I pulled the blanket behind me placing it over y/n, when I did y/n sighed snuggling closer.

I couldn't help but smile, she was so cute. She was the biggest snuggle bug in existence.

I continue to watch the movie till it ends and finally decided to get y/n into bed.

I start to move her hair out of her face calling her name softly and cooing at her. She stirred slightly stretching and wiggling into a comfier position.

"Hey baby let's get you tucked into bed." She yawns groaning grabbing my arm tight nuzzling her head into it. I was her human pillow apparently.

"I nwots even slweepy!" She fights unconvincingly yawning mumbling half words afterwards.

The words 'bed time' were always a challenge with y/n, she was always so determined to fight the basic need of sleep.

Usually her counters and tactics are more convincing but sleep definitely had her in its grasps.

"Sure baby girl, can you get up for mama?" I already know her answer but curious how she will word it.

"Y/n cwan'ttttttt um because..." she turns her face into me mumbling something.

"Your sleepy?" I giggle teasingly and pick her up.

As I was picking her limp body up she suddenly stiffened at my comment. Her hair sticking out everywhere her face still filled with the look of sleep.

She lifted her head to make her remark as I held to against me rubbing her back.

"NWO! Jwust um lweg jelly! Mama lweg jelly!" She sleepily 'shouts' before mumbling about how the sun is mean to the stars? I don't even know.

Eventually her head fell back onto my shoulder, poor things very tired.

She wasn't making much sense but she was convinced that what she is saying did! My adorable adamant sleepy girl.

"Okay okay, mama going to get you changed for sleepy time okay?" I place her onto the bed and she flops onto the bed sucking her hand.

I changed y/n out of her wet diaper, taping a new one. The whole time she was either snoring or mumbling.

Tuckered out, we had a long day consisting of all big girl activities and little y/n needed rest.

"Goodness me, someone had a busy long day to be this out of it." Again no response: just a disproving facial expression, and a few grunts.

Even half asleep my baby still a bit sassy and head strong with her little leg kick and eyebrow frown.

Once y/n is cleaned and  in her proper night attire I move her up in bed and crawl in holding her close to me.

I smelled the top of her head and let sleep take over me.

Y/n's POV ~~~

"Mmm mama stwop!" I say and tap mama, she always snores so loud if she goes to bed late.

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