The little artist (Bette and Dot)

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Hello there will be one more part added to work place slip but this was requested first and I thought it was absolutely adorable...😌

Request by: cakewithpvlson

Prompt: Bette and Dot are y/ns care givers, they teach y/n how to colour in a colouring book and to draw. Just lots of fluff!

Y/n's POV ~~~

I slowly blink my eyes open, I sit up rubbing my eyes cuddling Mr. Ellie closer to me as I scan the room looking for my mommy's.

I stretched extending and stiffening my limbs before relaxing and releasing them hugging my elephant closer to me.

"Mr. Ewllie where mommy's?" Looking Ellie in his beaded eyes.

"Well mwiss y/n, I dwont knows. Mwaybe bwusy, lwets mwake thwem someting fwore when dey bak."I swing my legs to the edge of the bed putting on my slippers walking over to the mirror.
(Well Miss y/n, I don't know. Maybe busy, let's make them something for when they get back.)

"Otay Mr. Ewllie." I fix my pigtails to keep my hair out of my face taking one of mommy's headbands off there beauty makeup stuff table.

I walk around the room to see what I can use to make my mommy's a surprise.

Digging around the tent I managed to collect, coloured paper, markers, glue, pom poms, tape.

I look at Mr. Ellie contemplating my next move, I wanted this to be special! I marched out of the tent to look for more supplies.

"We on a mwission Mr. Ewllie! We cwraftin, We need swupplies!" Me. Ellie looked at me with the same face. I made him nod his head as we began to scout.

I found some leaves, twigs, and an old gum wrapper...PERFECT!

Going back into the tent I got to work! I glued all the paper together. I glued on the leaves, pom poms, twigs, and gum wrapper.

Now to colour it all! I uncapped  my marker and started to draw a whole bunch of lines. This is going to be the most perfect gift ever!

Bette's POV ~~~

Dot and I had to quickly go through some things with Elsa, we were hesitant to leave without y/n but we just got her down for a nap.

We didn't want to wake her, we assumed we would be back shorty. Just incase though we asked Jimmy to check up on her if we weren't back in 15 minutes.

We managed to sort through the matter just under 10. We walked back and stopped at jimmy's asking if he heard her at all since our tents were close.

"Nope quite as a mouse." He said leaning back drinking his beer.

Dot and I quickly shared glances...'quite as a mouse.' If y/n was one thing that thing was not quite.

She even slept loud in a sense with her cute snores.

We quickly left jimmys tent rushing towards ours, once inside we see y/n in the centre of the floor.

Scraps of paper, glue globs, sticks and leaves everywhere! Y/n looks like she just started colouring her work of art.

She dragged the maker around the soaked paper sheets, getting the marker everywhere but the paper.

"Y/n honey, what are you doing?" Dot chimes in as I am still starting in the amount of damage done in a short amount a time.

"Awrtist mama!" Dot laughs as we walk over to y/n crouching down to her level.

"I see that, I thought you were napping." She sighed obviously offended we tore her from her masterpiece.

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