Workplace slip pt. 3 (Linda)

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This is dedicated/Co-written mylittlepeaches

Thank you so so much for everything! Sorry for the long wait but here's part 3 ✨

Y/n POV ~~~

It was so warm, I felt the constant rhythm of what's sounds to be a heart beat. My nostrils filled with a smell familiar and comforting, I was happy...but also hungry. I could feel the wet diaper clinging to my skin making me grumble before I started to wail.

"Shhh baby it's alright, what's wrong baby."

My only response is louder crying, I root against the material of her blazer trying to find something anything.

"Y/n baby what's wrong? How can I help?" I start to scream, I was feeling so small I couldn't verbally answer mommy.

Mommy stands up holding me bouncing up and down patting my bum, my  screaming calms but I continue to whimper and cry softly.

I keep my eyes closed but feel mommy moving around, I hear her open up the fridge and pour something. I hear the beeping of buttons before I feel her moving again.

I think mommy sat down, I feel a warm nipple rub against my lips, I open my mouth only for in to be placed into my mouth.

I suck vigerouly, I can feel the milk dripping down my face landing on the base of my neck.

"Someone was hungry hmm?" Mommy giggles but I still was upset, still uncomfortable.

But as I looked at mommy I couldn't help but smile, she was softly brushing my cheek. Mommy keeping cooing at me, I then saw her place a cloth on her shoulder.

My tummy was feeling funny, I shifted a bit and mommy's eyebrows frowned. "Oh I know baby hold on."

I wasn't done drinking but mommy pulled the bottle away placing me on her shoulder, I started to cry.

She patted my back till I burped, spitting up a bit "that must feel a bit better huh...oh and someone needs a bum change."

Mommy felt my bottom causing me to squirm abit. I whined and mommy gave me the bottle back.

Linda's POV ~~~

Y/n must be in a really little headspace, I took me a minute to figure out that was what was happening...

I must have dozed off with y/n in my arms because I woke up to her wailing, rubbing her face on my chest.

I tried asking her what was wrong but her crying got progressively worse the more I tried. I stopped and realized she must still be in her headspace.

I tried bouncing her, swaying until I put two and two together, she's really little and maybe hungry?

The suckling on my clothes gave me the thought, she rubbed her face on my chest repeatedly also.

Walking around the kitchen trying to prepare the bottle y/n cries calmed, I continued to bounce her humming a soft tune. While she was still upset she has calmed drastically.

As I sat and feed her I rubbed her back and her cheeks causing her to grin around the nipple of the bottle. Milk fell down onto her neck, I brushed it away with my hand softly to not interrupt her.

I noticed her change her expressing and I instantly knew it was time to burp her.

I held her against me burping her, as I patted her back and bottom I realized she needed a changing.

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