Overwhelming Surpise (M.R, D.S, B.D.H)

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✨Hello hello✨, so I do plan on making part 3 of workplace slip with Linda Trip but I already started this one and wanted to get it out.

Requested by: yasitisme 😬Also sorry it's late...

Prompt: it's y/n birthday and they are not use to doing much. Their care givers throw them a party and it's a bit overwhelming for y/n. Mildred, Diane and Billie are all there for y/n.

Anxious little bean but given all the love! 💗

Mildred's  POV ~~~

"Did you get the cake Diane? Billie you got the balloons right?" I called from the kitchen finishing the snack plates. Today was y/n birthday, this is y/n second birthday with us.

Last year she went away for a week to visit her sister during her birthday. We wanted to make this day extra special for her since we haven't gotten a chance to properly celebrate it.

We were throwing her a small surprise party, we invited a few of our friends and their littles also. We made sure to surround y/n with people she knows well.

"What time is Wilhemina and Ally dropping off y/n?" I walked into the living room asking Billie.

"In about an hour I told everyone else to show up 2:00 people should be showing up soon."

As time went on people were arriving with smiles and gifts to help make y/n's day special. The anticipation was killing me, I can't wait to see her face.


Everyone arrived, all the littles were playing as the others socialized but Diane, Billie and I were all vibrating with anticipation. I can't wait to see the look on her face.

I have my camera ready and everything, we got a text from Wilhemina saying they were just pulling in.

"She's here! Everyone get ready!" People frantically shuffled around the room all hiding.

I see our girl skipping up the drive way holding Ally's hand with a big grin plastered on her face.

Wilhemina and y/f/n trailing behind them.

The doorbell rang and the door opened shorty after I heard a sweet voice , "mommy's! I am home!"

"SURPRISE! Happy birthday y/n!" Everyone jumped out, Billie was recording the whole thing.

Y/n face shifted so quickly, she was jolly and happy then shifted to startled and something else I couldn't quite put my finger on at the moment?

She ended tumbling backwards into Ally but she was quick to catch y/n.

Y/n turned to Ally and held onto her a bit, "w-whats the date?" She asked whispering.

Y/N POV ~~~

Aunty Ally patted my head, "baby girl it's y/b/d...?"

How could I forget? I always keep track of this! I look away from Aunty to see a whole bunch of my friends, Aunty's and uncles.

I search the room till my sights fall onto my mommy's. I ran over to mama Billie slamming my body into hers burring my head into her chest.

"Oh baby girl, hey." I smelt her comforting sent, her warm arms wrap around me and she held me close against her. I feel light kisses on the top of my head.

I felt soft hands land lightly onto my shoulders before running down my arms, "hey baby, come with me for a moment."

"C-can we all go?" I roll my head to the side looking at my mommy's confused faces.

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