Accident (Harriet)

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Hello this one shot is a mixture of non specific requests, I hope this is okay!

*Request for of Harriet Hayes Sarahsnewwife
*Request for certain actions in scenario mylittlepeaches
*Request for scenario type remains to wish anonymous...
**Alsooo sorry this took really long...hope it's okay✨

What I collected all together prompt: y/n has a accident after getting startled and Harriet is mommy.

Y/n POV~~~

Mommy fell asleep, we are cuddling on the couch watching a movie, it's past bed time and I don't want to go yet so I let mommy sleep. I love cuddling my mommy and I feel so comfy wrapped in her arms surrounded by warmth.

I yawn and slowly my eye lids become heavy but I try and fight it off. I continue to watch the movie but I feel myself slipping deeper into my head space.

Harriets POV~~~

I slowly wake up hearing my baby girl babbling, I look down and see her cuddling her teddy laying on my chest.

I pull her closer and she giggles, I look over towards the clock and notice the time. "Alright baby it's time for bed, we have a big day tomorrow we need to sleep baby."

She huffs and shakes her head no pouting out her lower lip. "No grump face you already stayed up a little longer." I sit up having y/n on my lap, as soon as i go to stand the movie makes a loud sudden noise.

I feel y/n jolt in my arms and grab onto me wide eyed. They look at me shocked and paused before they start to cry. "Oh baby it's just a movie you are okay come on let's get going."

I feel her shaking slightly and I hear my little one cry louder warm tears streaming down her cheeks. "I sowy i sowy!"

"It's okay it's okay." I pull her closer to me but I feel her push against me trying to get out of my lap. "Baby hey we are still going na nights come on."

"I sowy!" My lap feels damp and now I understand why my baby is frantic. She had an accident, her emotions were so loud and constant then also the push of the movie seemed to make it happen.

"Oh my sweet girl don't cry it's okay, come on let's go upstairs and clean you up." The whole way up stairs she clung to me apologizing and crying.

I rubbed her back speaking sweet soothing words getting her to calm down and breath. "That's it baby in and out you are doing so well for mommy it's all okay."

I make it up stairs and into the bathroom and place my baby girl on the floor. Hiccuping she grabs onto my leg rooting me in my spot. "Nwo mommy stay! I sowy plwease!"

"Oh baby don't be sorry it was just an accident I am going to run you a quick bath and then we can cuddle okay baby." My little y/n just nods but still grips my leg. "Honey you have to let mommy go just for a second."

She reluctantly releases me and I turn on the taps waiting for it to warm up putting in the plug and adding her favourite bubble bath. "Alright sweetheart arms up." I help get y/n get undressed and into the bathtub.

Once y/n in the tub and settled I turn on the shower and quickly jump in cleaning myself keeping my eyes on y/n who's splashing away. Her tears have all dried up and she seems to be feeling better.

I get out drying myself off and getting into a tank top and some pyjama pants. I get y/n out of the tub and dry them off, I carried them over to the bed wrapped up.

I decided to put her in a diaper for the night, she's cooing and rolling around so I have some minor difficulty. "Y/n stay still for mommy, here's teddy." I passed her the bear and she began to chew on its ear, distracted her long enough so I could also get her onesie on.

I picked her up and walked to the side of the bed laying her down, I go to turn off the light and walk back getting into bed with y/n.

I pull her close to me and she snuggles up to me digging her head into my chest. I then hear her whine tugging on my shirt. I know what she wants and after her stressful day I think she needs some comfort.

"Swuckies pwease" she mumbled against my chest and I smiled down at her removing my breast from my top placing it in her mouth. I pat her hair and hum a song soothing her to sleep.

"Good night my darling good, I love you very much." Soon after y/n losses her latch, drool falling down her chin she was adorable. All that can be heard are her little snores as I myself drift to sleep.

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