Sick call (Diane + Lana)

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Thank you for all the comments, I will continue to use both POV's 💗💗

This was requested by someone who wishes to remain anonymous

Prompt: can you do another sick one but with Diane and Lana.

Y/n's POV ~~~

"No I don't wanna, I'll be okay!"

"Y/n you are slipping and looking pretty rough I am calling them! I'll take notes for you don't stress."

"But -"

"Stop I already texted them lay down."

My friend took me to her car during break as soon as she saw how sick I was. "Meanie!"

"You will thank me later, it looks like Lana's on her way. Oh and Y/n here...
and she's passed out."

The next thing I hear is a door opening, I just roll over and try to get back to sleep my head hurts.

I feel cool hand rest upon my face, I push them away, "Nwo! Cwold! Y/n swleep!"

"How long has she been like this?" I think that's mamas voice?

"As soon as she sat next to me I could hear her congestion and feel the heat radiating off her. She said she was feeling gross around coffee break and started slipping so I brought her here to rest. She's been out for maybe 20 minutes."

"Thank you for contacting me, come on sweet heart let's go home."

I didn't want to move my head was spinning and I felt nauseous. Ever noise i heard sounded like it was being said through radio, all static like.

I feel a soft material wrap around me, I open my eyes as soon as I feel my body shift. Mama was picking me up, I snuggled further into her trying to breath in her sent but I couldn't which made me sad.

I tried inhaling more to no victory, "breath honey, it's alright I am just putting you in the car."

I could feel mama which helped me but I wanted that comforting aura. I close my eyes again as soon as mama places me in my seat I wanted her to hold me!

"Nwo mama!" I grip onto her jacket still to tired to lift my heavy eye lids.

"Shh baby, it's alright we are going to go to mamas work okay."

"Nwo home with mommy's!" All I want is to lay in our big fluffy bed between mommy and mama. Mamas office is soooo boring and not a good place to cuddle.

Mama manages to escape my grip which makes me sad mad! I start to whine and pout frowning my eyebrows. If I could give her the death stare I would!

Every time I open my eyes it's like an instant headache.

"I know baby and I am sorry but mommy's both are working but I'll get everything done as soon as possible okay?"

Instead of form a word response all I gave her was a grunt telling her I understand but not happy with it.

I feel my soft fluffy blanky being placed on me and a paci rub against my lips. I open and take it sucking it slowly.

I feel mamas lips on my forehead before I feel myself being buckled in. I hear the car door shut and then I hear it open as mama got inside.

I curl into a little ball, the combination of the car moving and soft music of the radio I drift off.

Lana's POV ~~~

Almost as soon as I started the car my sweet girl passed out, I could hear her snore not so softly my poor baby.

I decided to call Diane I texted her but she still hasn't answered. I hate interrupting her at work but our poor girl needs both of us.

Sarah Paulson character little one shots 💗Where stories live. Discover now