A little bit of a unpleasant visit (Billie)

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Requested by someone who wishes to stay Anonymous✨

TW: References to abusive behaviours, ptsd, and medical talk...

Prompt: Billie try's convincing reader to go to the doctors for blood work but reader is scared...

Y/n's POV

"NO!" I ran down the hall to the bed room shutting the door.

No no no! I am not ready, it's going to hurt, and they are mean and and-

"Chickadee! Come back here! And we do not slam doors! Y/n!"

"NO MAMA NO!" I use my body to barricade the door. I don't feel good, my body is tight and it won't stop getting more tense.

"Honey, you have 5 seconds to open the door and let mama in sweetheart. If you don't you will have a time out and maybe even early bed time."

"I don't wanna go!"

"Open the door so mama can talk to you properly honey, no more yelling please."

Mamas voice stays calm and gentle as she speaks, "NO!"

I hear mama sigh slightly, "oh honey, please come out I would like to talk to my little one and hold her and explain why we have to go to the doctor and listen to why you don't want to and we can figure it out."

"NO GOING! You say 'okay no go', then I come out." I am growing more and more upset that its getting harder to control or understand what I am feeling.

My eye balls are leaking and I don't know why! "Chickadee it's okay, no need to cry love, come on out so I can give the you the biggest hug. We can go cuddle too."

I don't want to go! Mama going to make me go no matter what! I don't wanna! I getting more grumpy! "NO!" I scream out rubbing the tears from my eyes. "NO NO NO NO!"

"All mama wants to do is talk about it honey and help you feel better. Please open up so mama can hold you and listen to what you have to say."

"NO NO NO! I am sad mad!"

"I can understand honey but mama can't help from behind a door, how about some cuddles and a baba?"

I do want a baba might help but I still no wanna go! "Cuddles and baba, yes but NO GO!"

I hear mama sigh deeply, "I am sorry baby but no baba and cuddles unless this door opens."



Mama sighs again...

"I am sorry honey but mama is going to count now, early bed time if I make it all the way down to zero. Ten.."

"No mama! No fair! Just say no go!"



"I am sorry honey, come on eight...."

"FINEEEEE!" I open the door forcefully banging it against the wall, I look up and see mama looking at me with a sad potty filled smile on her face.

"Oh baby." I sit on the floor and mama crouches down bringing her palms to my cheeks.

Her warm hands hold my face as the pads of her thumbs brush back and fourth.

"No more tears, I am here, let's go sit okay mamas sorry." I reach up opening and closing my hands, my body has grown tired.

I feel myself sinking more and more into the floor, my vision is blinding. The salty tears running down my warm swollen cheeks from crying and yelling.

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