Pumpkin in the patch (Bette and Dot)

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Requested by someone who wishes to remain ✨anonymous...

Prompt: can you do one where the reader goes to the pumpkin patch please.

Not proof read 😬

Bette's POV~~~

"She snores so loud" Dot giggle as we continue to rock in the chair holding our sleepy little y/n.

"As were her cries, poor thing was so tried. I hate it when she cries to sleep." I said to Dot, looking down at y/n puffy eyes and stained cheeks.

"She had a hard day, over tired. Elsa rehearsal was only suppose to be a couple hours not six."

"I just feel awful we should have prepped better, maybe-"

"Now Bette don't get hooked on things you know are out of our control, instead why don't we plan something special for our little one. Maybe a picnic or -"

"What about patty's pumpkin patch?"

"That's a fine idea Bette, we can pack a basket and go to the patch."

"Y/n? Y/n honey uppies time, come on honey mama and I made you breakfast. Your favourite too up time sweetheart." I gently rub y/ns back as Dot is brushing y/ns messy hair out her face.

The little one grunts and tries to roll further away, digging her head into the pillows. "No thanks mommys." She grumbles out, I didn't know what she said but Dot picked it up telling me.

"It's wake up time, the earth is awake, the birds and their animal friends,the sun is up lighting our day,  mommy and mama are awake and so is the rest of camp. Don't you wanna see all your friends and family before everyone starts their day baby?" Little y/n sits up whining grabbing tu tu holding the stuffed rabbit to her chest, her arms are crossed practically choking this rabbit.

"Why awake now? Not later?" Y/n whines tossing her head up looking up at the tent pattern, I can see her eyes glossing over.

'Our baby needs to be held Dot...'

Dot nods in agreement and we move to the bed sitting down and patting our lap, y/n looks at us with a wobbly lip and crawls over. She rests on our lap her head rest between our heads as she lightly snuggles and tries not to cry.

"It's okay our sweet girl, you are feeing big feelings huh?" Dot says rubbing y/ns back, i pat y/ns hair moving the hair stuck to her tears behind her ears.

"Y-yeah, sometimes." Y/n chokes out lifting her speak before flipping back onto us.

"That's okay honey, we are here, we will guide through the big feelings together baby." I say kissing the top of y/ns head.

Y/n works on her breathing, taking deep full breathes, rubbing her face on us, her tears sticking to ours skin.

We still sit holding y/n close as tries to pull down the dress we are wearing.

"Hold on honey, can you sit up honey?" Y/n grumbles before hugging and sitting up snuggling  up with tu tu. Her little impatient grumpy face on, we up zip the dress a bit and once we can, we position y/n for her to suckle.

When y/n suckies came into view the young girl started to bounce on the spot and happily situated herself into the proper position. She dropped tu tu and held the top of my breast.

Dot and I take turns of who y/n seeks comfort from, while y/n suckles on one of us she always holds the others hand, snuggling it to her chest.

Our little pumpkin loves love, I love her as does Dot, as tough as my sister may come off little y/n gets through her tough dementor.

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