Mama said i could... (Diane + Ally)

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Requested by someone who wishes to remain anonymous ✨

Prompt: can you done one where Diane is mommy and ally is mama, can you make it another craft little one shot?

Sorry it's late 😬

Y/n's POV~~~

"Well what did mama say?" Mommy said separating boring looking papers filled with numbers and letters I didn't care to understand.

I place my arms behind my back crossing my fingers and begin to rock of the heels of my feet, "mama said it was okay."

Mommy hums, "well then, if mama said it's okay, but please do it with mama in her office."

I jump up and down running to mommy giving her a hug, "thank you!" Mommy kisses my head giving me a hug before passing me the paint bucket.

"Please remind mama of your paint apron please!" I give her a thumb up before running out the room.

As I make it down the hall I look behind me to see if mommy is watching... 👀 we good!

I place the paint bucket in the hall closet and place a towel ontop of it.

Once I look it over and see my genius hiding skills I go into mamas office.

"Hey honey, you wanna hang out in here for a bit?" She says as she types on her computer, probably about boring stuff.

"I just came to tell you that mommy said I can paint." Mama looks up from her laptop looking up at me, her eyes squint a bit as she thinks about what I said.

"Mmm and what did mommy say exactly sweetheart?" Oh no she's on to me!?

"Um to get my paint apron from you?" Mama nods as she gets up going to the coat stand.

"Here honey, make sure you listen to mommy okay. Try and keep the paint on the paper."

I roll my eyes, "I know mama, that's how to paint." She giggles kissing my head before i go exiting and looking for my paint bucket.

Which is exactly where I left it, I gather my tools and head into the garage, mama has an Amazon problem mommy says so we always have boxes and they go in the garage.

Turing on the light in the garage I walk onto the cement den with my fluffy socks and place my activity down.

Next step is to find the bestest piece of cardboard to ever exist!

I pull out all the boxes not finding one to my satisfaction, hmmmm? Maybe?

I look around on the shelves and find tape! I can take them together!

Laying out the pieces I picked, I put all three in a row and tape them together, flip it over and now comes the bestes part.

What do I wanna paint?

I lay out my colour options and brushes staring at my blank canvas.

OH! Maybe I can lay on it and paint around me!

I flip onto the cardboard and try to trace myself but run into some difficulties... my arms get tired fast as I try and reach all around to no success.

Sitting up I huff out the air I have been holding in concentrating, this is harder than I planned.

Hmmm what now?

How about something that makes me happy? Something that makes mommy and mama happy?

I bring my hand to my chin and tap my fingers against it contemplating my answer.

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