Workplace slip pt.4 (Linda)

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Hello ✨ here is part 4 of workplace slip, this was co-written with the lovely mylittlepeaches

Tw: Yelling, arguing, accident

It will turn to fluff but there is some not so happy things at the start ❤️❤️

Y/n POV ~~~

Linda and I have been in a relationship for a few months now and I couldn't be any happier. I noticed she seemed a bit off today at work though.

I couldn't pin the exact feeling she was giving off but it definitely was negative.

She always makes me happy when something is bugging me maybe I can do the same for her.

I sit in my shared cubicle brainstorming, Linda likes...Christmas, chocolates, shopping, what else?

I didn't notice I was shaking my leg till I heard Linda huff, "can you stop y/n it's really annoying! Thanks!"

"O-oh sorry." I stilled my fidgeting and she just sigh out a dramatic breath before turning back around to her screen.

I didn't want to distract her more than I have so I decided to walk around a bit to get my thoughts going.

As I am walking on the grey carpet I look around and realize how depressing this place actually is. Maybe that's why Linda's upset?

I decided that maybe some colourful flowers and chocolates can brighten her mood possibly.

I run out to the coffee station grabbing a light blue mug putting some water in it before heading outside.

I pick some flowers placing them into the cup moving them so all the different colours don't clump.

The colours of white,red, yellow, pink, and green mashed well with the baby blue cup.

I walked back inside walking through the lunch area getting a couple packs of m&ms and Dots gummy's.

I am so excited to give these to Linda to cheer her up a bit. I hide everything behind my back wanting to be all a surprise for her.

As I approach the cubicle I can already hear the heightened agitation in Linda's voice as she's on the phone.

She's spitting fire and I decided to just sit and wait for her to be done.

I leaned down and hid the gifts under my desk behind my bags. I anxiously sit there listening to her, trying to look busy on my computer.

"Well unfortunately for you that's just how it works, good bye now." Linda hung up before the other person could even respond I assume.

I sat there listening to the back ground noise of typing, phones going off, chairs rolling before I turned my to face Linda's back.

"Bad phone call? I think I have something for you that might-"

"Ugh enough y/n I can't handle any of this today okay." When she spoke she gestured to my entire form as 'this'.

"Oh well I apologize if I did anything but I have-".

"Y/n stop not right now! I am busy okay whatever is rattling around in that head of your can wait till after work!" With that she turned around and typed aggressively.

I turned back around bitting my lip trying to hold back on the tears trying to escape my eyes.

It was to late though, I stared at my reflection on the screen seeing the glistening streaks run down my cheeks.

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