It's been a while.
It has been much better.
To say real, I think I have adapted. By being someone different.
I learn to block out my Feelings. Attachment. Intimacy. Everything.
I am just going to say that this isn't the greatest idea.
Because I am not only losing it for you. But for everyone else.
I feel cold inside. I want to love again too. I want to feel it again.
But this heart, it has given up.
I can not open up. I can not love anyone.
Including you.
Yesterday night, You Told Me -
" I Miss You.
Every time we meet, it feels like we are dating all over again. "
I am very sure you meant the good parts.
The ones you didn't have to deal with my feelings and attachment.
The ones you get warmth and intimacy from me.
The ones I am learning to block out.
I think it did not hit me. Because you were still so in control of me.
The fear of losing you overwhelmed me.
I don't think it is love anymore.
I just enjoyed that at least you were that one person I am still open to ***.
I think it is time.
To close this chapter,
so I can start a new beginning.

my lost love
Non-Fictionhe was my everything, my world but he was also the one who got away; just a diary of my feelings NO fancy content or vocabulary thank you for taking your time to read! 🤗