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You still feel a little empty, a little lonely at times. 

Something still feels a bit off. Missing. 

No you don't miss him anymore. You don't long for him anymore. 

But he pops up in your head again. It was just a thought. 

"What if?"

The memories haunt you but it is fading away slowly.

You missed what the 2 of you had. Something special. A secret which only the 2 of you shared. 

But you know it's over. It's never coming back. It's never going to be the same. Not with him again.

One day, you are going to look back and remembered the times when you 2 were innocently and passionately in love. How beautiful it was. You are thankful it happened with him, even though it's all over. 

There was no regret. I am glad I chose to love you, with all of my heart. 

Mistakes were made but learn to forgive yourself. It isn't your fault baby girl. That's just how you risked your poor heart getting hurt, just to love him. Even if it didn't work out, it's alright. I know you did your best. Learn from the mistakes and grow to shine even brighter than before. You deserve to love yourself now. 

Acceptance. I know it sounds impossible and just so far fetched. Don't worry, you are on your way there. Let time heal you. Don't give up just yet.

my lost loveWhere stories live. Discover now