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Okay, I know this is pretty off topic but I have really been bottling it up for quite some time now and I feel like there is a need to voice this out. 

Society these days are seriously way too judgmental. 

They can literally judge anything about you based on the pre-defined standards they have of how someone should be. It can be anything ranging from your appearance, sexuality, the way you act to ideas and more. 

Honestly, I just have one question. How does any of this person's personal choice affects you in any negative way? 

These judgmental people feed on criticism of others to boost their ego. They appear confident and proud, but in fact, they are just simply trying to hide their insecurities from surfacing. 

There is nothing wrong with voicing out your own personal perspective and opinion of certain issues.

But there is a difference between being an insensitive jerk and being an helpful friend. 

Be mindful of your feedback and respect your friend's decision. 

Ultimately, you have NO control over another person's decision, even if it's for his/her good. 

If it affects or harms you in any way, communicate and then withdraw from the situation when you really have to. You can only make a difference on your own for yourself. 

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