Learning to Let Go

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Let's admit it. It is NOT easy. 

But trust me. It gets better. 

A huge shout out to those who have truly survived a heartbreak. I am really proud of you. 

They say time heals everything. They don't.

But don't worry,

the long days where you dread and feel like you will never get through will not be forever. 

Nothing lasts forever.

The sun will rise after the storm. So will you. 

The days where you thank for yourself for being strong, tough and for living through will come. 

You don't have to do this on your own alone. Do what's best for you and get support. There will be better people out there to love you regardless. Be it family or friends.

Increase your own value and worth. Make yourself feel good about yourself. Make yourself lovable TO YOU so you would love yourself. Do it for yourself my dear. 

You are finally free. Nothing is in the way to stop you right now. It's time to go all out and make full use of your ME time. Meet new people and hang in with people who make you feel wanted and loved. Do whatever it takes to makes you happy the right way. 

Believe me. You are strong and you can do this. I am cheering and fighting on for you. 

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