7 Months (Sequel preview)

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A/N: Here you guys go! The first, official chapter for the sequel, 7 Months. Let me know what you guys think!!! I posted it a little early because of my theatre responsibilities, and I remembered that April 3rd is my tech week and I won't be getting home until really late in the day. (p.s. so the "real" first chapter was supposed to be a recap of the last chapter of this book. Let me know if you think this should actually be the first chapter, or make the first chapter a recap??)

I walked down the street, various grocery bags hanging on the tips of my fingers. When I reached the Cliffords' house, I set down the bags in my right hand, and fished in my pocket for the house key. I slid it into the key slot, and gently pushed the door open with my foot. I lifted the bags again, and stumbled into the house, lightly kicking the door shut with my foot behind me. I plopped the bags down and muttered a sarcastic thanks to Luke, who sat on the counter, staring at the TV in the living room.

"Where's Michael?" I started to take things out of the bags, and lay them on the counter. Luke, not taking his eyes off the TV, pointed out to the garden, where the sliding glass door was wide open. In the distance, I could see a mop of blue hair looking down at something. "Thanks Lukey, and since you're being such a great help today, I think," I walked over to the TV remote and clicked the image of Mordecai and Rigby on Regular Show away, making Luke groan. "You get to put the groceries away. Thank you." I walked out the room, shutting the glass door and leaving Luke to his new assignment.

I made my way through the garden, passing all the new white roses that Karen had planted. After Michael's parents had found out about Michael's amnesia, they had been completely and utterly heartbroken, but I mean who wouldn't be? Luke and I mentioned that they maybe wanted to help and try get his memory back without us in the house to bother them, but Michael refused. I had told him who everyone was, and he was really upset at the fact that he didn't remember me in particular, so he made us stay, in hopes that it may help him remember quicker. I had told him our story, well at least the major bits, like the fact I was raped. I didn't mention who it was, but I did mention we were having twins. It has been about a week after the accident, and all he remembers is his parents, and a few memories with them, like the first time he went to Disneyland.

I hesitated, before resting my hand on his shoulder lightly, making him jump. "Oh, hey Amber. I didn't see you there."

"It's okay, I can be quite quiet." I plopped myself next to Michael, crossing my leg and playing with the grass. I snuck a glance at what was in his lap. "So, I see you found your songbook?" I smiled and looked at him, who had a smile also tugging at his lips.

"Yeah, I had a song in here, and it makes me really upset that I can't remember anything about you and Lucifer." I may have told him Luke's full name was Lucifer.

"Why's that?" I cocked my head to the side. When Michael looked into my eyes, I noticed his eyes were glossed over, meaning he was about to cry; he always did when he wanted to remember something badly. I hated seeing him so broken, my kitten was broken... and I didn't know how to fix him.

"It's about you. Did we get into a fight before the accident? Like, I know I went on a drive and that's when the accident happened, but was there a reason I was really pissed off?"

"Yeah, but it was a really small fight. It was pointless."

"What was it about?"

"Um, well... You said a few hurtful things, that caused me to run off, but it wasn't a big deal. Really Mikey, it wasn't that much of an-," I was cut off by Michael standing up, the glossiness in his eyes gone within an instant.

"Why was I such an asshole before the accident A? Why do I seem like the world's worst boyfriend?" My heart fluttered at the use at my old nickname. Many would say it's a coincidence, but to me, it's a sign. "What did I say to make you run from me, and cause me to drive off mad at myself?"

I looked down to the ground, suddenly finding the grass very interesting. I didn't want to tell Michael what he said, I was scared he was going to get even more pissed off at himself. He bent down, lightly grabbing my arms, making my attention go straight to him. "Please, Amber. What did I say to you?" I took in his features while he was trying to convince me to tell him, me completely blocking out his voice. He hasn't shaved since he left the hospital, causing the whiskers on his face to stick out. The scruff made him look a lot older, and so much more tired, like his eyes. His eyes, once full of life and happiness, now looked dull and lifeless. He always looked tired, but his lips were still his lips, I wondered if they still tasted like his lips.

"Please?" His eyes looked hopeful.

"You said that you didn't get how other guys your age worried about what college they were going to, and you were stuck worrying about your girlfriend and kids, even though they weren't even your kids. Then you said something about how high maintenance I was and I said, well I'm sorry that you chose to date me. You said you weren't even sure why you did anyways." Tears pooled in my eyes, and I quickly wiped them away.

"No no no. Babe, I'm so sorry. I was probably in the heat of the moment, and you shouldn't have heard that from me or anyone. On behalf of past me, I'm sorry." He gave a small smile and did something I didn't think he'd do for a while. He kissed me... on the cheek, but it still counts.

"I'm going to go head inside, there's an episode of Adventure Time waiting for me on the

TV." He smiled and kissed my forehead before walking inside. I took in a deep breath of the cool winter air, and walked inside. I headed to my room to write down what I needed, I needed a plan to help get Michael's memory back before the twins ended up being born.

7 months... that's all the time I have.

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