Chapter 23

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I left my final class of this year. I felt like I did good on the final, but I hoped it would be okay. I went to the classroom where Michael had his last final, and knocked on the door lightly. The teacher let me in, and I stood next to Michael. He asked to see how he did on all of his finals the day, because his phone broke, and he wouldn't be able to check his scores.

"You got a 98, good job." The teacher seemed uninterested as he turned to look back at his computer. Michael smiled brightly at the test and took my hand in his. We walked down the halls as I patted my stomach.

"We should get food to celebrate. I kinda really want ice cream." I smiled. Michael turned to me and smiled back. I looked down to my growing baby bump. This pregnancy thing is actually quite hard. It's a lot worse than a period, I can tell you that much. The cravings are so much stronger, and weirder. When you feel the baby kick, every now and then it feels like cramps. And you can't smush yourself into a little ball, because the constant fear of hurting your baby is always there.

Michael opened the door for me, after I said thanks. We headed to the grocery store and got out. "Why aren't we heading to the parlour?"

"It's closed at this time, remember? No one but pregnant women want ice cream in the winter." He chuckled, causing me to whack his arm.

"Shut up, you agreed." He nodded and grabbed hot chocolate, then marshmallows. I grabbed Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream.

"You know what's weirder than getting ice cream in the winter? Getting hot cocoa and ice cream at the same time in winter." I laughed at him as the cashier checked our stuff out. I held the bags as Michael fumbled with the keys. I set the bags on my lap as Michael headed for our place.

I, much to my dismay, have to go the elevator now. Going up the fire escape is apparently "bad" for the baby. Whatever. The dumb elevator music filled my ears as we made it to my floor. Michael stuck the key in, and turned the doorknob.

The sight in front of me made me drop the bags.

"Mom? Dad?" I stared in disbelief. "What are you doing here?"

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