Chapter 24

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"Mom? Dad? What are you guys doing here?" They never mentioned that they were coming back.

"You realize we own this house?" My dad's head peeked from around the wall. His hair was turning grey, and his eyes were filled with exhaustion.

"Yes, but you never said you were coming back yet."

"Oh, honey. We planned on surprising you guys. But neither of you were here." My mom walked out of the kitchen, and walked over to me. "Oh! You got ice cream... and hot chocolate." She rested the bags on the counter and turned to hug me. She squeezed me tightly.

"I missed you, sweetheart." she whispered into my hair.

"I missed you too, Mom." I smiled and pulled away. I then gestured to Awkward Michael, who was shuffling his feet. "Mom, Dad, This is Michael. My boyfriend. He's actually been living here for a while."

"Son, why is your hair bright red?" My dad stared him down, making him shift uncomfortably.

"Hank, stop it." My mom held her hand out for Michael to shake. "I'm Emily, and he's Hank. How are you?"

"I'm great actually, and you?" Michael was looking hella uncomfortable.

"I'm fantastic. Thank you. Oh, Amber I got you an All Time Low shirt from the concert..."

"Wait, you don't care Michael is living with me- us?"

"No, it's okay. As long as he hasn't gotten you pregnant or anything."

"Mom, about that...." In an instant, my dad flew over, next to my mom. "He didn't get me pregnant. Some other guy did."

"Wait, what do you mean? So you're pregnant?" My dad pushed.

"Yes, I am. But it isn't Michael's. Something happened on Halloween, and it just..." I took a deep breath. "I was... ya know... that thing, where you have sex... unwillingly?" My mouth just wouldn't say the word.

"Oh my Lord! My baby!" My mom ran to me, tears in her eyes.

"Did you do anything Michael?" My dad remained stern, though you could tell he was heartbroken.

I spoke for him. "He actually beat the attacker. Twice, and helped me land him in jail." My dad shook Michael's hand, and then went to console my mother. "But, guys, I can't get an abortion. You all know as much as I do, this might be my only chance to have a kid, ever."

"So that means you're keeping it too." My mom tried to compose herself.


"How can you do such a foolish thing?" My mother's tears were soon replaced with anger. "Do you constantly want to be reminded that, every day you see this child, you were raped? It's such a dumb thing to do Amber! How do you plan to raise him or her? Because you definitely aren't doing it in this house."

"What?" I choked out.

"You heard me. I'll let you live here while you're pregnant, but if you aren't putting her up for adoption... Get out."

"Em-," My dad tried to intervene.

"No! You and I both know it Hank. She cannot raise a baby at 17. Not in this house." By then, tears were filling my eyes.

"Well then, Emily." I dared calling my mother by her first name. "I'll save you the pain now and move out tonight." I grabbed Michael's hand and stormed to my room, then thought about Luke. "I'm taking Luke with me." I yelled out the door. Through teary eyes, I filled my duffel bag with 90% of my clothing and an extra pair of shoes. Michael rested his hand on my shoulder, causing me to spin to him. I quickly wrapped my arms around his waist and cried into his shoulder. "I'm so sorry you had to see that."

"Babe, it's fine. We can explain to my parents, and then stay with them for a little." Michael's parents had a completely different reaction to my pregnancy. They were super kind and very reassuring, letting them know that if I needed anything, they'd be there. Even though it wasn't their grandkid.

I nodded and finished my packing, then heading to Luke's room, packing his favourite things and clothing. I decided I was going to pick Luke up from his friends house a little early and explain the situation and what we were going to do. While Michael was on the phone with his parents outside, I took this as my chance to explain to my parents why I was taking Luke.

"You're not taking Luke."

"I am, and I will. Have you noticed you visit home more than live here? This 15 year old boy cannot stay in this apartment alone for months at a time. He can't, and he won't. He'll stay with Michael and I. And honestly I really feel the need to take full custody of him, because he's honestly just a kid to you. Did you know he plays the guitar? And sings? I bet you didn't. So if you'll excuse me..." I left my mother alone at the doorway, jaw dropped. I struggled to get the duffel bags into the elevator, but I did. Once I made it to the lobby, Michael noticed me struggling and helped me, while still on the phone with his mom.

"Thanks Mom. Yeah, we'll see you in a few. Ok. Bye." Michael grinned at me once the bags were in the car. "We're able to stay there for as long as we need. They even mentioned they'll help us pay for our own place for the first few months."

"Oh my god. They didn't have to do that." I smiled at him as we hopped in the car. I placed Luke's friend's address in the GPS and let it lead us.

"She insisted. There's two guest bedrooms too, so you and I can share one, and Luke can have his own." I felt a wave of relief pass through me. We might be okay.


When we pulled up in the front of the house, Luke was sitting on the steps with his friends. I honked the horn and he waved bye to his friends, jumping in the backseat.

"So, why am I leaving early?" I explained to him everything that happened, and Luke didn't seem surprised.

"I knew they wouldn't support you, thanks for taking me with you guys." I smiled warmly at him, just as we pulled up in front of Michael's house. It was huge. It had a pool in the back, and was a cream colour. It seemed so inviting.

"Home sweet home." Michael smiled and helped us get our bags out.


A/N: hello. I decided Liz wouldn't make an appearance in this bc Amber and Luke's mom is a bïtch and I'm like 99.9% Liz isn't horrible like Emily.

I have a question; what should the baby's gender be? I'm torn AF. And name suggestions are fantastic too js.

Bc if it was a girl I had really cute ideas for how Michael interacts with her after she's born, and if it's a boy, it'll be like Michael really praying it doesn't look like Ashton and he'll teach him music stuff but yep.

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