Chapter 10

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I waited in my small apartment for 45 minutes. Luke had called me and warned that he was staying at a friends for a while, but he'd be back by 8-9:00. So I had about 3-4 hours. I gave up waiting for Michael, and started to get ready. I retouched my makeup, and put in a new coat of hairspray. I decided to go against a jacket, seeing that after my date with Ashton, I put on an oversized sweater and blue skinny jeans. I slid my converse on, and climbed out the fire escape. I walked down the streets to the subway, where I saw a familiar mop of fire truck red hair. I figured I was hallucinating and started to continue down the street. As I got closer, I noticed it was him. But he wasn't alone.

There was a random girl there who made me start feeling very self conscious. She looked to be 5'10" with long blonde hair that was at her lower back, and a stunning smile. She was fucking perfect! She was tall, skinny, pretty, blonde, and there seemed to be not an inch of her face that had acne. Her hair was very straight and she had a flowery headband. She was wearing shorts and a tank top, even though it was like 50 degrees. Michael took off his leather jacket and wrapped it around her. She placed her hands on his chest and kissed him, for a while I might add. I felt a lump form in my throat as she boarded the subway, and Michael waved to her. After the cart had left, I stood and watched him for a while. He pulled out his phone and smiled at the screen. Then it quickly faded. I stalked around, coming a little closer.

He held his phone to his ear, and plugged the other one up with his finger. I saw tears form in his eyes as he locked his phone and started looking around. I hid behind a building as he bolted up the street to my apartment complex. My eyes widened and I left to take the shortcut. I ran to climb up my fire escape, even though Michael wasn't in sight yet.

As soon as I shut my window, I could see Michael running up the street. I walked away from my window, only to hear that same tapping noise as soon as my butt hit the couch. I looked up at the ceiling in annoyance. When I got to the window, Mikey was breathing heavily. He wrote in the fogged up glass, 'I'm sorry' and looked up to me.

I rolled my eyes and let him in. "Amber. Oh my god, I just heard the message. So, you really like me? Or was that just a way for you to get me down here? What's going on?" By the time Michael was done rambling I was sitting on the couch. He had sat next to me.

"Michael, I do. I do really like you. But I also like Ashton. You clearly know how that is." I was still upset over this Mystery girl. "But, you keep pushing me away, so what the hell are we? I can't even begin to tell you how pissed off I was on that day that you decided to just tutor me. But Ashton understood. And he was there and he helped me and funny enough, he's my new tutor." I saw Michael's face drop. "But I'm not the one who called you here to brag about anything. I want us to stay friends, if that's even possible."

"Amber, I can't begin to tell you how bad I feel about that. I'm so sorry." There was an awkward silence, until he opened his mouth again. "Can I try something?" I nodded. He leaned really really close, and held my face in his hands. Our lips connected and we started to lay down, Michael on top of me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me, if it was even possible. I felt sparks. More than I ever did with Ashton. Ashton. A thousand feelings of guilt panged at my heart as I thought about Ashton and Mystery Girl. I separated us almost automatically.

"Michael, we can't." Michael sat up instantly. "I have Ashton, and you have your 'mystery girl.'" He looked at me shocked. "The voicemail said that I'd be coming down to see you in 30 if you didn't come. I waited 45 then started to walk down. I saw her, and I hate you for not telling me this. I hate you. I hate you. Why the hell wouldn't you tell me this? Don't you think I have the right to know? Especially if you get pissed at me for dating Ashton!"

"I got pissed at you for dating Ashton because he's a bad guy! He is, I swear on my life. I don't know anything bad about Emily, all I know is that she's a great..." He paused. "Distraction from you."

"How do you know he's a bad guy? He isn't!" I have a name for mystery girl now. "Of course she's a great 'distraction!' She's tall, beautiful, skinny, probably isn't horrible at math! I could list off all the things she has that I don't!"

"He is, A. I'm just warning you. He's had 5 girlfriends in the past month, and has like 2 fuck buddies. There's not a doubt in my mind he's cheating on you."

"Get out."

"What?" Michael choked.

"Get. Out. Of. My. House. Now!" I yelled, tears stinging my eyes. I watched him crawl out, and then dropped to my floor, crying my heart out. I heard footsteps, but ignored them.

"Oh, babe what'd he do to you? I thought this was supposed to fix everything." Minnie's soothing voice filled my ears. She hoisted me up and set me on the couch. "Now, what happened?" I had told her everything. We had both come to the conclusion I needed to stay away from guys for a little bit. Or a long time.

I hated to do this, but I had to. "Hey Ashton. I think we need to talk."

"Ok, what's up?" His voice filled the phone.

"I think we need to take a break."

"What? A, no, why? Why?"

"I feel like it's for the best, I'm sorry Ash. But I mean, we've only been together like two or three days, so you'll be able to bounce back quickly." I gave a weak smile. We had talked for a while, then I hung up. Minnie persuaded me to try and call Michael.

"Nah, I've already eliminated any chance of us being friends. There's no way we can be friends at this point."

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