Chapter 13

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Day and night we studied. I fell asleep on his shoulder I can't tell you how many times, in the middle of studying. We had only 5 days left, and I felt so much more confident about the retakes.

"Amber! Amber! Look what I've got!!!" Michael said, bursting through my apartment. I had given him a key to my apartment, so he could come in without having to use the intercom everyday.

"Yes?" I said, rubbing my eyes. I checked the time.

3:30 PM

I didn't get a lot of sleep these past five days, so we decided today was our off day for studying. "Michael, no studying today. It's Halloween dude." I grabbed my pillow and snuggled closer to it.

"Am I not allowed to hang out with you other than studying?" He pouted. "And, I have a surprise!!!" He pulled out a costume from his bag. He took out the cardboard cover, not letting me know what it was. "Now, go. Try it on!!" His expression was so excited and cute, I couldn't help but try it on. I groaned and shuffled to my room, shutting my door.

I stripped down and examined myself. I need to start working out again. I grabbed my black bra, to match the top of the costume and clipped it in the back. I pulled it over my head and slid the dress down. "What the hell Michael..." I mumbled. Pink was definitely not my colour. I grabbed the headband with the little gold tiara and put it on. I slid the white gloves on and smoothed out my dress.

Michael knocked on my door. "Amber, can you come out? I want to see you...." He whined.

"No, Michael. I look stupid."

"I'm positive you don't. Now come out." I sighed and turned the door knob slowly. I opened the door, teasing Michael enough to make him peek around the door. When the door was fully opened, I inspected Michael's costume. Mario and Peach. How cute. And cheesy.

Michael's arms hung loosely at his sides, mouth wide open. "You look... Wow... Um, you look fantastic." He smiled.

"Why thank you." I curtsied at his compliment, causing him to blush. "But could you have picked a cheesier couple costume?" His smile quickly fell. "No, no. I love it! But like, did we dodge a bullet?"

"There was Mickey and Minnie, Finn and Princess Bubblegum, zombies, need I go on?" I laughed a little. We did kinda dodge a bullet, I mean these were pretty cute. Even though Adventure Time is life.

"Okay, I need to check on Luke, he's still asleep too."

"You are a horrible role model!"

"Thanks I try!" I blew a kiss and he pretended to catch it. I laughed, until the sudden realisation hit me, he got us couple costumes. Why would he-? Wait, keep forgetting the tiny fact that he likes me. And I like him, so what's stopping us? I guess I should "ask him out" today... What's the worst that could happen? He could say no...

I knocked lightly on the door, and a sleepy voice told me to come in. Luke's blonde fringe was sticking up, kinda in a baby quiff, and he was running his blue eyes.

"Today is Halloween, do you have a costume?"

"I think I'll wear all black and be a ninja." He laughed. "I'm guessing Michael showed you your costume?"

"That's not a good costume. And yeah, you knew?"

"Yep, how'd you think he knew your size?"

"How do you know my size?" My eyebrow peaked in curiosity.

"These walls are thin, I've heard you complain to Minnie about," His voice went up, pretending to be like me, "How your boob size is the reason you are a large and it upsets you." He snickered.

My face turned red and I mumbled, "You didn't tell him that, right?" I was terrified if he heard me said that.

"Nah, I'm cold, but not heartless." He winked and sauntered out of my room, probably to get a bowl of cereal. I let out a sigh of relief, and walked back up to Michael, dragging him by his ginormous gloves covering his hands. Ok, you got this Amber. Just tell him... Or make out with him... Either way he'll get the hint.

"So what's-," I interrupted him by pressing my lips against his, my hands cupping his face. Michael stood there shocked for a moment, but then leaned more into the kiss and kissed back. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me even closer. We fell backward, onto my bed, until he finally pulled away.

Goddamn it. Am I like a bad kisser or something?

"So, are we a thing now?"

I pecked his lips. "What do you think?" I giggled and placed my hands on his chest, signalling for him to get off me. He was kind of crushing me.

Then we both heard a slow clapping noise. Our heads turned to the door to see Minnie and Luke standing there, with the same evident smirk on their faces.

Minnie stopped clapping. "About freaking time..." We giggled as Michael helped me up.

I guess we are a thing now...

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