Chapter 20

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After we stopped a little ways down, I explained to Luke the entire story. From the party to now, he looked furious throughout.

"I'll kick Ashton's ass." I giggled at him trying stick up for me, but we all know who'd win the fight. "Wait, is that Minnie?" I turned my head to see short figure with purple hair running to us. Yep, that's Minnie alright.

She ran up, short of breath. "M-Michael..."

"Michael what?" I pressed.

"Michael... is... killing... Ashton." She grabbed her stomach, hoping that it would help her. My heart started to pound, me taking off down the street, knowing that Minnie and Luke would be okay together. I ran full speed, until making it to the diner. I swung open the door to see a horrifying scene unfold in front of me.

Ashton was half laying on the table, with Michael constantly punching him in the face. Calum was trying to pull him back, each time Michael ran back to finish him. Mothers and fathers were in the surrounding booths, covering their children's eyes.

I ran up to Michael, my body covering Ashton's. He almost stopped once he saw me, he had accidentally punched my stomach, not as hard as I had thought. It still felt like something in my stomach dropped 20 feet.

The anger in his eyes flashed to sadness, then to empathy. He finally let Calum pull him back. He untangled Calum's arms around his torso and ran to me, engulfing me in a hug.

"I'm so sorry." He softly cried into my hair. I grabbed both sides of his face, kissing him lightly on the forehead, then the nose, and then his lips.

"The cops are going to come for you, Michael." I sighed. He nodded. I held his bloody, bruised knuckles in my hands and ran my fingers over them.

"It's okay, Amber." Ashton slowly stood up, slightly losing his balance when he pushed himself up. "I'll drop any charges." He pinched his nose shut, trying to stop the bleeding. "I promise."

"Thank you, Ashton. It doesn't fix anything, I hope you know that." He nodded.

"I know, but honestly, it's a step. I do want you to forgive me, but I know it won't happen. So I'll come as close as I can." He attempted to smile, and I returned it.

10 police cars and 1 ambulance appeared in the parking lot, cops and paramedics filling the area. They saw Ashton and rushed him to the ambulance to clear him. A paramedic wrapped gauze around Michael's hands, while the police questioned us.

Even though I told him I wouldn't, I told the police that Ashton was my rapist and that they could scan him and the DNA from my results. They had left to take the DNA from his spit, and asked him if he wanted to press charges. Just like he promised, he said he wouldn't.

A female paramedic walked up to me right as the 5 of us were going to leave. "I was told you were accidentally struck," she stated.

"Um, yeah, but it's not anything serious."

"Miss, you cannot leave until I make sure everything is alright with your body." I sighed and shrugged. I followed her and jumped up into the vehicle, laying on the little gurney.

"Wait, aren't those things made for ultrasounds?"

"Yes, we brought it to inspect a woman who happened to be pregnant here. Too much stress or fear from a mother isn't good for her baby."

"Wow. She and her baby are okay right?" She nodded and I sighed in relief. Then a sudden thought occurred to me. Why wait until any longer to figure out if the pregnancy test lied? Why not just pretend to be pregnant and figure it out now? "Um, ma'am? May we check with my baby?"

Her eyes widened. "You're pregnant?"

"I believe so, can I just see if he/she is okay?" The woman nodded, and shut the car doors. She spread the cold gel across my lower abdomen while I shivered. I squeezed my eyes shut. The moment of truth, but I still refused to open my eyes. I knew I wasn't pregnant, but I just had this tiny voice that told me I was. That there was a little human growing inside of me. A little human that was half me, half Ashton.

I heard the woman sigh next to me. "Good news, you and your baby are perfectly healthy." My eyes sprung open. I turned to look at the monitor, and sure enough, there was a silhouette of a baby on the screen. She was so tiny, I mean she was only conceived a few days ago.

I felt like I was going to be sick.

I'm having a baby.

At 17.

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