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A/N: Excuse me bc I really didn't know what to end up doing. So I just skipped the entire month. It is now December, they've had thanksgiving and stuff so we all good. But she was supposed to meet Michael's parents. So this is that little chapter and then next chapter, it'll be in December okay? Okay.


I adjusted my red dress for the thousandth time as a million questions ran through my mind.

"Michael, what if a red dress is too sexy for meeting you parents? I mean it's cute that we're matching and all but I'm terrified if this isn't classy enough."

"Amber, you're going to be fine okay? You're wearing a dress that's almost to your knees, and it has straps. It's fine." He smiled and squeezed my hand. I looked down at the dress. It was tighter at my chest, and flowed out a little more where my legs were. I tried to relax. I crossed my legs under the booth, wiping my clammy hands on my dress.

Then suddenly a couple who looked to be in their 40's/50's appeared front of the booth. Michael slid out from next to me and went to hug the woman, who I assumed was his mother. He then shook hands with his father, which lead into the typical 'bro-hug.' I slid out, awkwardly standing there as they each greeted each other.

Then suddenly his mother took my hands into hers, and smiled warmly at me. "Michael, you've picked a lovely girl. How much did you bribe her to go on a date?" She chuckled. "I'm Karen, but at this point, you can call me Mom. Call me whatever makes you comfortable hun." I smiled at her, she seemed so sweet. She hugged me before sliding into the booth.

Michael's dad smiled at me. "So you're the girl our son has been rambling about nonstop. Just like he said, you're quite lovely. I'm Daryl." I shook his hand then he slid in next to his wife. I went back to sit on our side. I held Michael's hand under the table.

After the waitress came to get our drink and food orders, Michael's parents started to ask me questions.

"So, what do your parents do for a living Amber?" Daryl asked as he cut his steak. I wanted to answer as honestly as possible, but I really didn't want to be reminded of my parents who seemed like they visited home more than lived there.

"Oh, well my father is the CEO of this company that specialises in buying things, fixing them up, and reselling them at a higher price. My mom is a band manager, actually. She usually tours quite often. I don't see them as much as I'd like to, but I understand." I ended up telling the truth.

"Ah, I see. Do you have any siblings?" His mom asked.

"I do, his name is Luke. He is 15. But I treat him like he's my son." I laughed. "I look after him all the time, but I don't mind it actually. He's quite a good kid."

They nodded. I took a bite of my Caesar salad. "What do you want to do in the future?" Michael's mom asked next.

I finished chewing before responding. "I want to be an author, believe it or not. I feel like I'm pretty imaginative and creative, so why not put it to use? I've actually written a few stories on this little website, and I've been told, with minor changes, I could get it published."

"Wow, what's the website?"

"It's called Wattpad. There are a bunch of authors I like to read from on there too."

"Really? That sounds cool." The rest of the night was filled with mindless chatter, a few questions here and there, and I'd like to think that it went well. When it came time to leave, we bid our farewells.

"Well, we would love to meet your parents the next time they are in town, Amber. But if they can't make it, at least we can formally introduce ourselves at the wedding."

"Mummmmmmmmmmm." Michael face palmed and blushed madly.

"Okay, okay. It was lovely meeting you Amber."

"You too, Karen." They smiled and walked in the opposite direction.

"I think it went well." I smiled at Michael.

"Me too."

The Tutor// m.c {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now