Chapter 17

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"Michael, I need to pass this. Let's just forget the past two days. I need to study." I pleaded. There were only three days until the retakes and I needed the help.

"Amber, math is the least of your worries. We need to figure out who this asshole was." Michael crossed his arms and gave me a stern look.


"Amber..." I pulled the puppy dog eyes; he could never say no to them. He groaned and pulled out his iPad with all the textbooks on it. I giggled and clapped, grabbing my notebook out of my bag. I set it on the table, then stalked over to my counters, grabbing pencils. I wanted to run, but it hurt my hips when my leg lifted too high.

After the pregnancy test relief, Michael dragged me to the hospital, where they could use a rape kit, so they could locate who my rapist was, and they did a double check to see if the test was wrong. I couldn't get any results until after the retakes, so around 5 more days.

I sat on the couch, desperately wanting to cross my legs to be comfortable. But of course, it hurt way too much. I sighed as Michael placed his hand on my leg.

"I swear, I'll find this guy Amber. He won't get away with this." He gave me a sad smile.

"It's okay, really. I'll be fine. I think the guilt, and the massive beating you gave him that night was punishment enough." I chuckled. "Let's just get to work yeah?" He nodded, unconvinced, and started to explain the trigonometry lesson. I took the best notes that I could, but I just couldn't understand.

After about 3 hours, I had a horrid headache and despised math even more, which I didn't know was possible. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair, looking up at the clock. It was about 1:00, and I hadn't eaten anything since 8:00 when we woke up.

As if on cue, my stomach growled in hunger. Michael looked over to me. "Are you hungry?" I nodded slightly, feeling annoyed that my stomach was that loud. Michael pushed himself off the couch, and rummaged through my refrigerator and pantry. "There's nothing in here, A. Do you want to head to the store? I'll pay?"

"You don't have to pay. I have money from babysitting, I'll-,"

"Nope, I'm paying. Get your shoes on, let's go." I looked down at my black sweats that hung loosely on my waist, and my black tank top, slightly covered by Michael's red and black flannel. My hair was in a high ponytail, and I had only foundation and concealer on. As if reading my mind, Michael spoke up. "You look gorgeous, just as always. C'mon." He passed me my red converse, then I slipped them on. I grabbed my phone from the counter, following Michael down the fire escape. We jumped off and started walking towards the little market down the street.

Cars zoomed passed us on the road, sending shivers down my spine. Almost all of the trees were painted in orange, red, and brown leaves. Our shoes crunched against the fallen on the sidewalk leading us to the store. I took a deep breath in, inhaling the smell of coffee from the nearest Starbucks as the crisp autumn air hit my face. We passed as two children, around the age of 8, piled up leaves and jumped in, scattering them everywhere. I always loved autumn, it was the nicest time of year in my opinion. It wasn't boiling hot, but it wasn't cold enough to wear a heavy jacket. Just a flannel or light sweater was good at this time.

Michael took my hand in his, as he first lead us to the Starbucks right next to the market. "One tall pumpkin spice latte, and a...." He looked at me expectantly.

"Oh, um a tall chai tea please." I responded. While we were waiting for Mikey's name to be called, I watched a cute elderly couple with Starbucks in one hand, the other holding their spouse. They kinda reminded me of Michael and I. I could only hope that if get to spend the rest of my life with him. While I was daydreaming, they had called our names, and Michael handed me my cup, warning me it was hot.

Hand in hand, we walked into the store, me grabbing a basket. "Amber, can you grab a cart instead?"

"How much food do you intend to get? We're walking home, remember?" At this point, Michael lived with us. My parents were never home, and if they were, they were home for a week at a time. Michael's parents weren't ecstatic about him spending all of his time at my house, but after he mentioned what my life was like, they literally helped him pack. He just has to visit them nearly every week, and I have to meet them next weekend. So on top of me passing my retakes on Wednesday, I also have to worry about meeting his parents.

Michael pondered for a moment, then nodded, taking the basket from my cold hands and filling it up with food. I shook my head and laughed at him, causing him to put down the package he had in his hand.

"So you don't want pizza rolls then?" His fake frown formed into a smirk as my expression faded.

"Gimme!!!" I yelled. I grabbed two bags of pepperoni pizza rolls, and a whole box of bagel bites.

"How much food do you intend to get?" He mocked me from earlier. I stuck my tongue out at him as we exited the frozen food aisle. We then headed to the worst aisle of all: chips and candy. I took one look at both sides and knew this was a mistake. I grabbed two boxes of microwave popcorn, and hot Cheetos. Michael grabbed a bag of cool ranch Doritos and 6 bags of Jellybeans, he knew they were my favourite. We then proceeded to checkout, and, just like he said, Michael paid for it all. Each of us with 4 bags, we continued out of the store.

"Well, is there such thing as senior 15?" I laughed, cars racing past us again.

"I dunno. But we are about to find out." Michael joined in on my laughter. When we finally made it to "our" apartment, we came to the conclusion that we wouldn't be able to go up the fire escape.

"We might have to go up the-,"

"Don't even, Michael. Let's go up the stairs. Not the goddamn elevator again." I sighed. We went in the front entrance, and just the elevator was about to close, I caught sight of Ashton. He made eye contact with me, just as the doors shut. I bolted up the stairs, Michael on my tail. By the time we made it to the 5th floor, Ashton was about to knock on my apartment door.

He swung around after the heavy door shut behind Michael. "Amber!" He came over and wrapped his arms around me, knowing that I couldn't return it because of the bags. "How are you?"

"I'm great Ashton. How are you?"

"Good," He awkwardly cleared his throat again before speaking. "Hi Michael."

If looks could kill, I have no clue who'd be dead first. "Hello Ashton." Michael's accent thickened, signalling his anger. I took that as my cue to intervene.

"So, what're you doing here Ash?" I felt Michael's glare turn to me when 'Ash' came out of my mouth.

"Oh, I had a question, but it's fine. I'll just ask you at school tomorrow. I'll see you guys then." He waved awkwardly and left the space, going down the elevator. Luke swung open the door, probably from when Ashton knocked.

"Why didn't you guys go up the fire escape?" He tilted his head, making his fringe fall in front of his eyes. We held up the bags, making Luke open the door wider. We walked in, setting the things on the counter. Luke grabbed a bag of Jellybeans and walked to his room, shutting the door to finish his Xbox game no doubt. His head randomly popped out of his room.

"Don't get her pregnant Michael." And with that, he shut his door. We looked at each other and laughed. I walked to my TV as Michael put the pizza rolls and bagel bites to cook. I slid in 'Lilo and Stitch' and it started right as the food was done. Michael set all of the food down in front of us as the starting credits appeared.

"You won't leave me for Ashton right?" Michael asked randomly.

"No, why would you ask that?" I said, popping another pizza roll in my mouth.

"Because," he started, pausing the movie. "He's so much better than me Amber, he's right for you."

"But I don't love him." I turned and faced Michael.

"Y-y-you love m-me?" He stuttered. I thought for a second, why wouldn't I? Look at what he's done for me.

"Yes." I responded confidently.

"I love you too, you know that right?" I nodded, then resuming the movie.

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