Chapter 21

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A/N: the pic is my new Spotify :) it has the playlist if you're like me and too lazy to search them all up:D


Yesterday, the last day Michael and I had to study, was spent... studying. We called the school, telling them I had the stomach bug, which was slightly true. My morning sickness had started yesterday.

I didn't tell Michael that I was pregnant yet, because I knew I'd never be able end up studying because he'd be too busy freaking out. I had no clue how to word it. "Hey, Michael, just thought I'd let you know Ashton did end up getting me pregnant. But don't worry, I'm probably getting an abortion so everything will be okay." I don't think so. I'd just have to tell him after the exams.

In all honesty, I'm surprised I was even able to get pregnant. When I was 5, I had a small tumour in my thyroid. I finally overcame it when I turned 7. When I kept talking about how I wanted to be a mommy at age 10, the cruel reality struck me. The doctors told me there was a fraction of a fraction chance of me having a kid. When I was 14, I was told the best shot I'd ever have of having a kid is trying from ages 18-25, and when I was most fertile. Even a sperm donor wouldn't increase my chances.

I walked into the basic, cream coloured classroom. Each desk was a set distance apart, making it impossible to look at someone's paper. I took a deep breath as the teacher started the timer. I looked down at the test.

"I can do this." I thought.




One hour later, the timer went off, causing the sleeping students surrounding me to jump up.

"Hand in your tests." Ms. Jones took my test, then saying, "You can stay a little later Amber. I know you really want to see the test results." I nodded and released the breath that I didn't know I was holding. I slumped in my seat as everyone in the classroom left, and Michael came running in.


"Mr. Clifford, did I give you my permission to enter my classroom? Amber still could've been testing." Michael looked down and shifted his feet. "It's okay, Michael. I know you're just as excited as your girlfriend to receive her results."

We looked at each other in shock. "You knew?" Michael asked.

"I've been working here a long time, guys." She pushed herself from behind the desk. "Nothing slips past me." She handed me my exam and smiled. "Congrats Amber."

I looked at my score on the top right corner. "I got a 90!" I jumped up and hugged Michael as tight as I could, almost making him knock off balance. "Thanks Ms. Jones!" I yelled, grabbing Michael's hand and leading him out of the school building. Once we were out, Michael wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You did it." He booped my nose, and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Only with my tutor's help, of course." I booped his nose right back.

"Let's celebrate!" Michael suddenly said. "There's a liquor store right down the road, I think." He let go and held my door open for me. I faked a curtsy and hopped in, Michael shutting the door behind me and getting in.

Then I remembered. "Michael," I rested my hand on his. "I can't do liquor."

"Why not? You deserve it." He smiled and started up the car.

"I can't, Michael. I'm pregnant. I just can't." His eyes widened.


"Yeah, Michael. But it'll be okay, because I'm planning something that'll fix this. It'll be fine."

"You mean... An abortion?" His eyes remained on the road.

"Yes, I think I'm going tomorrow. I've already told the school about a doctor's appointment."

He rested his head on the steering wheel. "Okay, I'll go with you."

"Are you sure Mikey?"

"Yes, I'm positive." He looked up and held my hand in his. "Even if you kept him/her, I'll stay with you." I smiled.

"Hey, why don't I get a milkshake with chips, and you get a beer?" He laughed at my compromise.

"You sound like a pregnant woman already."

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