Chapter 3

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Michael and Minnie both stared out at the pouring rain while eating their pizza, making light conversation here and there. I was setting up the sofa bed for Michael, there was no way in hell he was walking home in this. I smiled when I noticed how clean it looked, compared to when Minnie spent the night.

Minnie made a gasping sound, followed by a thud. "Shit. Amber, forgetting about a roughly 5'7 blonde child?"

"Oh my god. LUKE!!!!" I ran to grab my cell phone, dialling my little brother's phone as fast as I possibly could.

"Hey Amber. You are a horrible sister. You know that right?"

"I know, I know. Where are you?"

"I took the public bus as far as it could go. I'm right outside of the apartment complex right now."

"I'll open it up." I hung up, and held the little button, making a loud ring. Luke walked in, entirely drenched in water. His "fringe" was stuck to his forehead, his blue eyes stood out even more, and he was shivering, his teeth clenched.

"Aww, I'm sorry Lukey. I was just occupied with other things." I ran out of the room and grabbed the heated blanket and wrapped it around him, moving him over to the free seat. He nodded towards the pizza.

I laughed and left to grab some for him. I grabbed the meat lovers, and set the box in front of Luke. Michael looked at me as I just let a stranger into my house, and actually he kinda was the stranger compared to everyone else. Luke looked up and made eye contact with Michael, then looked up to me as if he was a freak.

"Michael, this is Luke, he's my little brother, he's a sophomore. Luke, that's Michael, he's my tutor."

Luke walked up to Michael. "There's no way you are a junior. Senior, maybe, but not junior." Mikey laughed.

"Oh, c'mon kid, you hope I'm too old for your sister."

"No, you just aren't her....type." I shot Luke a death glare as Michael turned to me.

"Type? Well, what's her type then?" Michael took a seat, as Minnie walked up to me.

"This isn't gonna end well!" Minnie whispered. I nodded.

"Well, I think she likes guys with NORMAL colour hair. And maybe play a sport or an instrument. Has to have talent of some sort." Michael laughed.

"Well, Princess." Michael walked up to and slung an arm over my shoulders. "I'd be happy to let you know, I suck at sports, but I'm amazing at guitar. But I'm not changing my hair for you sweetheart."

I slapped his arm off me. "Like I'd date you. And Luke here plays guitar as well and sings." Luke beamed and ran to his room, probably to grab his guitar. He ran back in, just as expected, with guitar in hand.

"Cool guitar, Luke is it?" He grabbed the guitar, then sat down, strumming a few chords. He started playing "American Idiot" by Green Day. When he finished, we all clapped. So did the thunder, causing the power to go out.

"Well shit." Michael mumbled. I stumbled into my kitchen, looking for matches. I lit the first few candles.

"Minnie, you sleep in my bed, I'll sleep in Mom and Dad's, and Luke go to your own bed," I set one candle right by the sofa bed and Michael. Then, I went to my room, and put a candle by "Minnie's" bed. After, Luke's. I yelled a good night to everyone, then blew out my candle.

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