𝟏 | 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰𝐬

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"Would it be better to sink into the depths.......than to face reality?"

The world was corrupted from the beginning, our lives were tainted by greed, lust and war. What more will reality throw at us, especially when demons roamed the earth with their ravenous hunger. 

Was it for the best we did nothing? Or was it worth fighting back?

Not how I viewed my story; having to be caged and kept behind closed doors most of my life. We once knew life was damned, but for those who stepped up are not the damned ones. The ones are those who only did it for their name, and pride. Looking back at my story now, I guess so much has changed.......

Because I stepped up doing something about it, than being a princess and sitting idly by.....

What would've been the difference if I hadn't? Would it have made a difference? Or would it have changed someone else's life, to realise there's more to fighting than death, wasting your life. There was a chance to mend the patchy history, but what mattered was what we did now and the present.......



The young woman sat upon the verandah, while gazing upon her children that played around in the garden. A gentle smiled curled upon her lips, while feeling rather content that specific morning. Not seeing her husband beside herself, she knew he was busy as the Chief. Always not there for the children, but nonetheless she just enjoyed seeing them all get along.


That soft voice greeted her pleasantly, before lowering her head to see her eldest daughter resting upon her lap. Her soft silver eyes glance up into a mirror, as she resembled her so much. 

"What is it my dear?" her fingers lace through her thick locks, before cupping her chubby cheek.

Hayami glanced up happily, "So, when will we say goodbye to big brother Ryuji?"

Ryuji was the eldest son of the Mizutsuki clan, and the next heir to become chief.  He was also training to become a slayer, to continue the families tradition and alliance with the demon slayer corps. Ryuji was soon heading to the final selection, so he was prepared for anything.

"Soon, we just wait for your father.....okay?"

The young child nods a little more timidly, just by the name 'father' being mentioned. Ai never understood why her daughter would react that way, trying her best to understand. Soon Hayami turns around and joins in with her sister; Yui, and little brother; Riku. While Ai watches them captivated by how big they're growing already, soft steps approach her from behind.

A maid bends down, lowering her head near Ai's ear.

"The Chief wishes to speak with you," she informed Ai gently, as the young maid pulls away and stood up. Ai soon stood up bowing to her quietly, before leaving the children under the maid's care. The maid's eyes grew sombre, and concerned for her lady before drifting back to the children. 

The children's laughter soon fades as Ai walks away further and further, before she can longer hear them. She walks out the main building, down the steps and towards the pergola where her husband stood. He stood there looking rather uptight, and a little irritated. Their eyes lock for a moment, recognising that kind of look. Once she appears before him, he sighed heavily.

"Hayami's at it again,"

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "At what, exactly?"

He grunted in response shrugging his shoulders before gripping the railing, "She wants to become a demon slayer, and you know our protocol?" he asked his wife rhetorically, while she tenderly rubs his shoulders to ease the tension.

𝐓𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐌𝐘 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 | 𝑺.𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒛𝒖𝒈𝒂𝒘𝒂Where stories live. Discover now