𝟑𝟑 | 𝐀𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐰𝐬

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NEXT MORNING ~ (Hayami's pov:)

I couldn't stop thinking about last night..........

The tension was real this time, and his actions were even more real with the way he held me close without any disgust. His eyes tender as if a different and completely new person before me, as he was slow and tender. Yet, we were interrupted before anything could've become something more.

Maybe it wasn't the right time.......

"Awake early?" His voice breaks the silence. 

Glancing behind me I noticed him waking up just now, whilst I slip on an overcoat with my yukata tucked into my black Hakama pants. Flicking my hair out from beneath the coat, I adjust the clothing for a moment with a heavy exhale, "Couldn't sleep much last night......." I reply softly, grabbing my hair tie and loosely tying it up in a low casual bun. 

His futon was a few metres away from mine, but i folded it and placed it to the side for the day. 

".......can't sleep again?" He questions, with a sigh of irritation. He stands up without his shirt on, only with his pants on noticing every detail and scar on his chest and arms and along his abdomen. He runs his fingers through his tousled bed hair, before towering over and pulling me into his arms feeling the warmth radiate from his bare skin. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Surprised by his sudden clingy gesture, I chuckle and sink into his embrace.

"Because I don't wanna bother you, it's a problem of my own," I assure him, when he squeezes me in disapproval. His face nuzzles into the crook of my neck, as his nose and lips brush against the juncture of my neck. A shiver ran down my spine, feeling my chest become warm yet again just like last night.

"It's my problem too," He murmurs against my skin, his body caging over my own. "How long has this been going on? Isn't this like the fifth time......?"

Nervously I close my eyes with a wry smile, "Longer..........than that," I slowly correct him, worried he'll whack me or even something to hurt me. Expecting him to react badly, all I could feel was his arms pull me closer before pulling away to look into my eyes. His own studies me, as if inspecting anything that was a flaw of my own. 

"I should've known........." He says lowly, before his thumb brushes beneath my eyes tenderly. "You've got bags under your eyes, hmmmmm......" with a troubling gaze.

Pulling away with a smirk, "Don't trouble yourself," waving my hand dismissively, with a closed eye smile. "Anyway, I'm gonna visit the Kobayashi's for an hour or so.........I'll do some training then m'kay?"

A subtle growl of disappointment leaves him, "Why?"

Halting in my steps I raise a brow, "Why what?"

He averts his eyes from mine and scratches his cheek, "Come on, thought this was....." he shook his head, with a heavy reluctant sigh. "......you know what? Never mind, might go check on my blade or somethin'.........might train out in the back forest."

Did I say something wrong? Or didn't I read the room again, and he wanted to do something together?

"Maybe I can join your training?" I suggest, opening the fusuma doors. "Won't be long, promise!"

"Tch, sure," he mutters.



"Did you rest well, my dear?" Kohana asks softly.

Balancing a large jug of water on her hip, Kohana was doing some motherly chores around the home. It was rather quaint, but cozy like a family home should be. Tatami flooring, with traditional ornaments displayed with pride from generations of Sword making. The doors were wide open to the verandah, looking out to the village.

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