𝟖 | 𝐀𝐭 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐆𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞

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Missions were successful ones, and some failed not saving others on time. Although most of my missions I've been assessed, required not many casualties or deaths of normal humans. Thankfully, I slowly became stronger but much was to be learned. The winter nights were harsh, windows bellowing, everything being blanketed by snow.

It soon became too much to handle at once, fighting alone.

The sound of my sword chimes against one of the demons before me, as four stood at a threatening space. My hand grips the hilt of my blade tightly, blood dripping down my temple heavily, while short labored puffs of air leaves my icy cold lungs that burned.

Shifting my foot, I inhale slowly before leaning my body lower.

"Just give up, you're at a disadvantage already!" One of the demons venomously, snaps. Salivating and foaming at the mouth, blood tainted the snow beneath the battle and at my feet.

My jaw clenched tightly while my eyes lock on a point, before disappearing within a second.

"Huh? Where is--?" 

Slicing through it's neck without hesitation from behind, the blood cleanly splatter across the ground. My throat was raw, as if sand paper was scratching the inside of my lungs. Seeing it's head roll into the soft snow, my neck snaps in the direction of the three remaining demons.

"You carelessly devour humans, and expect to be let free?" I rhetorically question, with a dry scoff. Arching an eyebrow, the three growl in response before charging head first towards me. "Time to end this."

With the flicker of my wrist, one of them appears before me with claws slicing towards my face. Dodging it barely, a few hairs were sliced from the front, before my sword slices horizontally running right through the neck. My body was slowly fading in and out, while trying to maintain my balance. The next I charge towards it, skidding across the sea of snow dodging a large attack.

However, I felt the earth tremble beneath me.

A short gasps leaves my lips as my head snaps down below where my feet rested, finding the trembling becoming more thunderous and shaking violently. Within moments four large claws pin me down from below, without having to react to the sudden attack. The air was knocked from my lungs, my blade dropping from my stunned grip.

"Dammit," cursing under my breath, sharp claws dug into my arms and legs. Grimacing, I seethe through my teeth while trying to push bear the sharp pain that continues to throb in my veins. 

"End her now!!!!"

Finding myself in a predicament, I needed to at least grab my sword. My hand painfully stretches over to my blade, while the weight holding me down causing me to hold back a groan. Panicking, my fingers slowly inch closer before touching the tip of the hilt. Brushing it over, I grasp it before inhaling slowly. 

"Second form: Dragon dance!"

Sharply slicing the claws that embedded into my flesh awkwardly, I finally gained some stability as I push myself to my feet. Bending down sharply I raise my sword and dove it straight into the ground beneath me, hearing the shrieking cry pierce into the air.

Soon the demon shows itself from under the snow, as blood trails behind it.

"You will pay--"

I swung my blade sharply, with a precise angle and entered straight through the throat. Dangerously glaring through my bangs, into the yellow slit eyes of the demon, I clench my jaw tightly gathering all my strength running it right through it's neck. Not being a clean cut, it still did the job watching it's head flying in the air and with a 'thump' it rolls down slowly of the hill.

𝐓𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐌𝐘 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 | 𝑺.𝑺𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒛𝒖𝒈𝒂𝒘𝒂Where stories live. Discover now