𝟏𝟏 | 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐏𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐫'𝐬 𝐖𝐢𝐬𝐝𝐨𝐦

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"Two minutes......."

Puffing through my cheeks, my muscles in my arms strain holding a weighted sack of sand. Though it may seem very extreme, I slowly began testing the waters, hoping to try little by little. Wearing my zori sandals this time, I balanced my body upon the boulder in the centre of the rushing river.

The misty water's spray across my reddened face, feeling the warmth of the sun shining down as it was finally Spring.

Sweat glides down my temple, focusing on my main breathing technique, allowing my body to adjust to the weight. This was to make things lighter for me, as Ryuji explained. He clarified a while ago, if I trained my body to slim down and lose a bit of chub, I might be able to fighting with more speed.

I know what he said stung, but he was right. My body was slight chubby, especially around my stomach. 

".....eight minutes......"

Hardening my core, I inhale slowly and deeply through my nose, holding it for a moment, before exhaling steadily. Shifting my weight slightly on my right foot upon the large boulder, I'm almost reaching my ten minute goal. 

Inhaling sharply I began to count down, "Five..four....three...two..one!!!!!" 

Throwing both the sacks of sand to the ground, I felt the weight lift from my shoulders feeling more lighter. Taking a moment to roll my shoulders, as they were agonisingly holding in midair for ten minutes. Dammit, this is such a pain.

"Wonder what big brother is doing, today?" Murmuring to myself in deep though, I wipe the sweat with my forearm staring into nothing. My mind went fuzzy for a moment, as if all the blood rushed to my head all at once too fast. Sitting down to ease the dizziness, I hear footsteps approaching me from behind me.

"Himejima, thought you were on a mission?" I question, assuming seen he also visited me yesterday. Glancing over my shoulder to see his large figure towering over me, he walks over and sits beside me comfortably.

"Later tonight I shall have to go, just came to give you your lunch," he passes me a small bento, as my eyes slightly widen in surprise. "Noticed you haven't taken lunch breaks, you need it for energy and strength."

Placing the bento in my hands, the weight rests in my palms carefully. All I could was hesitate to eat a crumb, while my brother's words kept gnawing me to the bone. It hurts.

"I don't know why you're not eating, because its one of the main sources of strength to gain from," He continues to lecture me a little, while I puff my cheeks with a pout. "Though your brother may seem a little indifferent at times, and is teaching you his ways.......think about ways to extend your abilities to your unique breathing technique."

"Elaborate, please?" I untie my bento, waiting for him to explain what he meant. Finding a few onigiri, I take a small subtle bite while gazing up to the giant.

His palms were pressed together, red beads dangling around his hands and wrists with such balance and grace.

"Each Pillar has unique techniques, that makes each one reliable on the battlefield," He begins to indicate his thoughts. "The basic breaths are flames, water, wind, rock and lightning.......yours is Dragon breathing, but it's a unique technique that is derived from the water technique. Combing it is called Water Dragon breathing, and the name may sound far fetched......but it's a unique ability only your family can wield."

"You seem to know more of my breathing technique, than myself,"

His face remains nonchalant, eyebrows hiked up matching his usual expression.

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