𝟏𝟐 | 𝐀 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫

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EIGHT MONTHS LATER - (Late December)

Geez it's so cold........

The streets in the main busy city just nearby Tokyo, where many stalls were open. Many aromas of warm sweet and savoury food was coaxing the air, with small snowflakes gracefully fall. I couldn't handle being in busy places, especially in public where so many people would be gathered. 

It was too overwhelming, but it wasn't my decision...it was Kanae Kocho's. 

"Hey Hayami, look at these beautiful butterfly earrings...." she soft exclaims, with a closed eye smile before her eyes flicker across the beautiful glittering jewellery. Her raven hair neatly pinned up in a low bun, her bangs framing her petite pale face and her violet eyes sparkling in awe. Her delicate and feminine fingers, drift over the beautiful butterfly pendant. "....wow, Shinobu would love this....or even Kanoe...."

She kept gushing over the jewellery, while I stood watching over the other many stalls.

"So, what did you need to get specifically?" I question, cutting her off from her excitement. She stands up more properly from hovering over the stand, clearing her voice.

She warmly smiles with her hands clasped together, "Well since that special holiday is coming soon, I thought getting your brother and my sisters some gifts," she spoke up, before a frown follows as her shoulders roll forward. "I just......I'm indecisive when it comes to gifts, especially seen I want to know their likes and dislikes........"

Arching an eyebrow I cross my arms to gather warmth in my haten robe, which was much thicker than my usual haori. "So.......to sum it up, you want to know my brother's interests and my own advice on what to get? You've could've just asked before," assuming that's why I was there, wondering if she needed me. 

She grows a little red, "Well yes, your advice will be needed........but I also wanted to walk and speak with you personally," she maintains eye contact, seeing that she's being absolutely genuine. Though I'm mainly on my own missions, or I'm mostly training I tried to socialise and give some time for others. Though it still takes time, I'm gradually gained more confidence in being open-minded.

"I um.......also wanted to give him something special, especially for the new years," She spoke up, scratching her cheek while glancing over the many shops nearby. Steam puffs from her lips, as the cold nips our faces causing the blood to coax our cheeks and ears. Even though I could see she's been worrying on Ryuji's interests, wanting to impress him, I knew she loved him dearly. It was clear she wanted to impress him, but not to show clinginess to their relationship. "You see.....it's been a year since he asked us to be official, so.....I don't want him to think I'm awful in not getting him anythin--"

"Kanae...." interjecting her before she explodes, I give her a warm smile. "......your overthinking again, so please know this.....you deeply care and you want to get him a gift. Well, I'm here...so let's go get him a gift. I know you sincerely love my brother, I see it. So stop overthinking, and more browsing and searching.....hmm?"

Her violet eyes slightly brighten up, and a smile graces her pink lips.

"Right, I apologise......let's go!"


A few hours pass by as we go by the bustling streets of the town, as we reach a peak hour which many people began to fill the streets again. Walking closer beside Kanae, my face was growing cold and the blood continues to settle across my cheeks and ears. We managed to find a few gifts for Kanoe and Shinobu, but we still haven't found anything for my big brother. Clearly, I knew what he liked but he wasn't the type to collect and hoard stuff, especially since our job was unpredictable and limited.

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