𝟐𝟗 | 𝐀 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐬

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Spring gradually begins to grow warm, the summer weather begins to heat up gradually..........

It didn't prevent me from training, nor didn't stop anyone from pursuing their very own missions. Carnage built up though over time due to the land festering with more demons continued, and I slowly began to head back out on the field again. Step by step I began to gradually go from small missions, to very challenging ones. My body still recovering physically and mentally still took time, but by now I now understand if I strained myself I would only fall again. 

Even watching over young Tokito, it made my heart ache to see himself straining his own body because he blames himself over what happened. Even revenge was only on his mind...

I could never know what's on his mind.......

Lady Amane treated my wounds four times a week, and in between those breaks I've meditated myself to relax my mind. Being treated to hot stone massages, and I even gone to the Sword-smith village to soak in the hot springs. I still feel bad that the kakushi either has to carry or guide us, with a mask over our eyes to secure the safety of the village. Despite how much they do for us, I only wish to do something to repay them.

She's also given many remedies, and even gave me gentle exercises for my body specifically which has helped with my ribs.

Even by watching young Tokito train his body, I took note of how he trains himself. How his technique was different, and more fast and steady. He's even taken the final selection has come up on top, which didn't surprise me. I was confident in his own skills, and he even was promoted to Hashira within two months at the age of twelve. It was amazing to see his progression since Lady Amane took him in. 

He's gone through hell and back, and it made me very proud of him. 

Even Shinobu managed to be promoted to Hashira at sixteen, and she even took over the mansion officially along with a new butterfly girl aiding her by the name Aoi. She was brought in, after she passed the final selection with Muichiro, but her body wasn't exactly built for combat or fighting. That's what I've been told at least.

However I was glad that we were having more Hashira being welcomed in, because the level of demons were increasing the days.

Then I've moved back into the butterfly mansion once I've regained enough strength, and now I've fully disciplined my body and mind and soul to progress alone. 


Walking through town to stretch my legs from training consistently, I gaze over the stalls that were set up in the centre of the street. My mind was spacing out, gradually finding myself back a few weeks ago about Sanemi. Lately I've noticed the way we've been to each other, but at least he wasn't oblivious about as well or I would feel awkward. 

Due to these feelings stirring within myself, I even felt scared to feel this again. Yet, it was a different kind of love......compared to what my mother gave me.

Glancing over the smell of warm meat buns catches my nose, as I found myself quite hungry after many missions. When was the last time I've eaten? I can't even remember, and I'm feeling rather faint which was concerning. "Geez, I must be getting more careless......." muttering to myself, I direct myself towards the stall and saw a short chubby man serving a customer.

Waiting patiently I found myself falling in a daze, finding myself fading in and out of reality.

Is this just because I haven't eaten? 

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