𝟏𝟕| 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐏𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐫

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This is such a nuisance.......

"Well aren't you something? Hey...." My eyes filled with rage. ".....Master Ubuyashiki!!!"

Seeing the man himself made me sick, his face with an awful shade of purple scars marred over his temple and almost beneath his eyes. Eyes pale violet, and one seemed blind. Raven hair neatly brushed and framing his face evenly. Sitting there with a gentle amicable smile, and his hands were that of a woman's with how smooth and pure they were.

My jaw clenches tightly, not caring what the other Pillar's thought of me.

There were at least six present before the master, and three of them were taller than myself. One blind and quiet, one too bright and flashy, and the other looks familiar but I've never met him before. Even the elder sister Kocho was there, and some gloomy looking one as well.

"Shinazugawa....it appears you do not understand...." A strong voice spoke, seeing it was that Stone Pillar. His hands pressed together, large red beads dangling from his wrists. "....how to speak properly."

Clenching my jaw with a slight growl, I went to speak when...

"It's all right Gyomei," Ubuyashiki assures him. "Let him speak, I don't mind."

"But master....." Kanae insists softly, despite my rude introduction. 

The master nods with assurance, "It's all right, Kanae...." his pale violet eyes met mine, and it made me sick with all this bullshit. My anger was still boiling, and I was only getting started.

"You've got no shame! You make me sick!!!" I spoke loudly, not giving a shit what the rest think. "You only think of corps members as pawns to be used and tossed aside! You've barely even tried martial arts or anything else....I can tell just by looking at you!"

My frustration, my anger towards these people grew and grew. My chest burning and aching with rage I've held in for, since Kumeno drew his last breath.

"But you're the head of the Demon slayer corps!" I continue on, with a sneer. "It's pathetic! I've had it with all this!!!!"

Silence fills the air after my heavy rant, towards him expecting some retaliation. Yet, he lifts his head with a gentle smile, "I'm sorry...."

Taken back for a moment, with that simple apology before he continues.

"I tried swinging a sword.......but it made my heart pound and I couldn't do it ten times," he explain calmly, with a soft tone. "I would have been like you if I could have. I wanted to be a strong swordsman and protect others' lives with my own body....but.......it was impossible for me. I'm sorry to have to ask you to do such difficult things."

I couldn't say....anything to that...

The look on Master's face made me think of my mother. Overflowing affection from him like parents show toward their own children.....was gently caressing my cheek...... 

"If you are pawns......then I am a sacrificial piece too," Ubuyashiki claims strongly. "And if a single piece like myself that moves the Demon Slayer corps were to die, nothing would change. My replacement is already here, " gesturing to his child beside him, with raven short hair. 

"This is your first time at a gathering of The Hashira......so I think you misunderstand......" His eyes remain on me, with his full attention. "....I do not place myself higher than you or anything like that......but everyone just treats me that way. If that bothers you, you don't have to along with it. Instead of worrying about that, defend the lives of others as a Hashira. That is my only request. I'm sorry to summon you so soon after Masachika's death. You were close like brothers, which must make it even harder."

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