𝟑𝟎 | 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐚

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The heat gradually consumes the fresh air, as summer finally has returned.......

Walking through the wooden garden gates (Torii) of the Ubuyashiki residence, I make my way towards the meeting area where we've been summoned. Making my way through I see a few Kakushi busy running around the large residence, but some pause to bow in acknowledgment of my arrival. Smiling warmly I return the small gesture, as I resume my through to the back gardens to where I see Shinobu, Tengen and Gyomei already there.

They stood whilst waiting for master to arrive, while I give them my usual warm smile acknowledging their presence.

"Kocho," I address her, with a gentle formal tone.

"Mizutsuki, you look well," She replies back, with her usual smile though was a mask. 

A hand rests on my shoulder glancing up, "She sure has, her cheeks have gotten and herself have got this flashy glow," A loud voice exclaims, recognising as Lord Tengen. "I mean come on, she's looking rather healthier.....and the hips--"

"Too inappropriate to address, whilst within Master's residence," Himejima cuts Tengen off, feeling his hand drift from my shoulder. 

"Awe come on, I'm just observing!" Tengen pouts, with a deadpanned expression towards the Stone Hashira. "Anyway........do you guys know whom that is?" gesturing behind me.

Glancing over my shoulder for a moment, my eyes finally lock with large bright eyes. Golden and red hue, shaped like an owl with a warm expression on his face. When his eyes lock with me, a flash of surprise and recognition surfaces his face.

"Why is he here?" Shinobu murmurs to herself.

Is it something that involves Shinjuro's sudden disappearance, or some would say....retirement...

Soon Giyuu and Sanemi arrive not even noticing Rengoku's presence, as Sanemi walks up to me giving me a nod. "Wonder what master wants," he asks, with a slight edge to his tone. Gazing over his face and then his exposed forearms, fresh scars were marred across his pale flesh. I even grimace at the sight, with my hands hesitantly reaching over and touching them. 

"Did you.....please don't tell me you've been doing it again?" I whisper to him, harshly. My brows pinch together with concern, knowing how strong and potent his marechi blood is. It still held no excuse for him to harm himself, despite that he doesn't feel pain in the moment. "Sanemi, you know how it makes me fee--"

"Shut it, don't mother me," He seethes through his teeth, while pulling his haori sleeve down forcefully with a huff. 

"It has been six months, my dear Demon Slayers," A soft hypnotic voice greets us, our eyes briefly met master who slowly knelt down on the engawa. His two children accompanying him either side, causing all of us to bow down respectfully before him. "Have you all been well?"

"Yes sir," 

"And we are glad for your health, master," Himejima adds, rolling his beads together in his palms.

My lashes flicker up to meet master gentle and warm expression, "Our numbers dwindle......even as Kibutsuji's strength grows," Master mentions, with his voice slightly troubled. Though it was coaxed with a mellow sound, like warm honey. "Thus, I have greater need of your services.....and I ask you to support each other on missions."

Humming in agreement, I nod taking his wishes to account, "But your health is the most important of all, master....." I softly spoke, earning a gentle smile in return.

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