𝟐𝟔 | 𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐭 𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐟

274 19 9



This weight on me felt like lead.......

Everything was black, feeling like I could see, but only through the darkness of a room or the depths of hell. Voices in the distance echoes, and this continues for hours that I lose track of time itself. Time didn't seem quick, as it was achingly slow. Was I already in hell? Or Heaven? Am I in between life and death, or.......?

The sound of soft snores meets my ears, before my eyelids open with every bit of strength with a blinding light piercing into my dulled eyes.

Grimacing in response taking some time to adjust, I found myself staring at the ceiling? Wait, isn't this the......I'm at the butterfly mansion? Registering everything in the reason I'm right here, I soon remember the faces of my comrades all flashing in the back of my mind. Akio, Yaeko, Botan, Hina.....and Asahi.....

It's all my fault.......I did this.......

About to try and sit up I felt something heavy weighing on my lower half, before feeling large hands around my pudgy tummy. Tufts of white hair were in view when I glance down, before recognising who it was, realising it's him. His larger body was over mine, in a protective grip that I didn't feel uncomfortable, but secure. His heavy breathing brushes against my bare shoulder, his right cheek squished up against my chest. 

How long was I even out for? I thought I was for sure dead........

Carefully lifting up my hand, feeling my arm strain to the small movement I inhale sharply. Threading my fingers through his hair, I felt the slightly brittle yet soft tufts of hair rake through with ease. Brushing them through his hair, I felt this warmth beat within my chest with these unknown feelings surfacing. Feelings that I never once thought about, until now as I question how I felt about him.

The sound of a sharp gasp makes me lift my gaze, only to see one of the nurses standing there in shock. 

"Y-You're awake........" she breaths out while stepping back, before she rushes out. "......L-Lady Kocho!!! Someone, bring Lady Kocho to Lady Mizutsuki's room immediately!!!!!!!"

Her cries disappear from the entrance before feeling Sanemi stirring, with a grumble and groan while yawning tiredly. Glancing down I saw his eyes slowly fluttering irritably, slowly rouses from his sleep as our eyes meet. For a second he was furrowing his expression in confusion, before he lifts his head, "Hey.....you idiot! Do you know how scared I was?!"

Flinching in response, I noticed he wasn't moving away from his position like he used too.

He was always embarrassed with whatever he does, that wasn't his character. Only this time his cheeks were flushed a dark hue, and worry and anger mixed together. Tears slowly well at my bottom lips, as my hand rests at the base of his nape. "I'm sorry.......I'm sorry......" I whisper, finding my voice hoarse and raspy. Coughing heavily I felt him sit up and shifts to the side of the bed, and passed me a glass of water.

Taking a careful sip I allow my throat to gather moisture, before passing it back to him.

He took the glass, "Don't........don't be fucking sorry," He mutters, his eyes averting mine whilst placing the glass to the nightstand. "You were out for almost two weeks, you never once said a damn word.......nor opened your eyes. You were in a coma like state.......shit..." he rubs his entire face, as his hair tousles over his weary eyes.

Blinking away the tears from my bleary eyes, I shakily exhale before trying to sit up and lean against the headboard.

"Whoa! Easy!" Sanemi's hand holds my arm carefully, while the other rests against the small of my back.

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