Introduction + Request Page

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Hello, everyone. This is FantasyWriter241, and welcome to this one-shot book.

Remember how my first one-shot book was my most popular book I have ever written? Well, here it is again. But what's different is that both Morfonica and RAS will be in this book, and you guys can request either male reader or female reader. I'll be flexible with it.

This is also where the request page is going to be. So if you want to make a request, make sure to do it here and nowhere else, because I'll have no problems ignoring it. Now then, time to move on to the rules for the request page.


1: You can only do one request and no more, so be wise about this.

2: No changing your request at the last minute. If I say it's approve, it's final, and you can't do anything about it.

3: You can either pick a male or female for your request. Not both.

4: No stealing request ideas. They have to be 100% original. However, if more than one people requested just a plain male/female reader, I'll allow it. Otherwise, be original.

Anyone who break these rules will have comments ignored and deleted, this shouldn't be hard to follow since there are only four of them.

Other than that, I look forward to reading what requests you guys might have. Have a good one. :)

BanG Dream One-Shots Book 1 [Male/Female Readers] [Requests Closed]Where stories live. Discover now