Chisato x Childhood Male Reader

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Requested by SweetChaosWriter

Flashback - many years ago

Your POV

For as long as I can remember, I always spend my weekends at the park with my two friends, Seta Kaoru, and Shirasagi Chisato. The three of us would always find a way to get together, and have fun no matter what. But there was a moment where it was just me and Chisato. She and I were talking about her status as an actress, and she revealed something to me.

"I think you're amazing, Chi." I said. You see, Chi was the nickname I gave Chisato. I think she doesn't mind it.

"Do you really think so?" She asked.

"Yeah. After all, that tv show you were on the other day was captivating." I said.

Chisato looked down at the ground, feeling upset about something.

"What's the matter, Chi?" I asked.

"Sometimes... apart of me wants to quit on being an actress." She said.

"Huh? Why's that?" I asked.

Chisato hugged her knees and began to sob a little bit.

"It's hard to see the other kids having a normal life, while I'm stuck with adults 24/7." She said.

"Oh, but what about school, though?" I pointed out. "That's something kids do a lot everyday, right?"

"I guess so, but people rarely talk to me at school." She sighed.


Well, she wasn't wrong about that. The other kids really don't talk to Chisato that much. Maybe it's because she's an actress, and they don't know what to say to her. That might be it.

But it looks like Chisato didn't see it like that. I start to comfort her and said... 

"Don't worry, Chi. I'll always be here, and one day, I'm going to be an actor."

She looked up at me and looked shocked.

"You... want to be an actor?"

"Yeah. Seeing you inspired me to be one myself. I mean, sure, my parents won't let me do it right away, but I'll start becoming one at some point."

Chisato couldn't help but shed a tear. She gave me a big hug, and I can tell she was smiling from ear to ear.

"Thanks (Y/N)-kun... you're the best friend I could ever ask for." She said.

"What about Kaoru?" I asked.

"Her too, but I like you more." She said.

I was lucky to have Chisato in my life. I don't know what I would do without her, but little did I know... everything was about to change. 

End of flashback...

Location - Station Entrance

As I entered high school, Chisato and I have been chatting less. She ended up having more responsibilities on her plate, and I'm rarely getting by with my lame acting skills and part-time job. Kaoru and I are still in touch, though. She even told me that Chisato was in this idol band called Pastel*Palettes, and they were really taking off. Once I learned about this, I began to support her like I've done in the past.

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