Hagumi x Rival Female Reader

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[Non requested idea]

Your POV

Hi, my name is (Y/N) (L/N), and if there is one thing I like to do after school, is play softball. When my parents found out I was interested in softball, they went out of their way to sign me for a team. My teammates were about the same age as me, and we got along like sisters. Sure, we might argue sometimes, but we're still close nonetheless.

I stayed on this particular softball team for years, and so did a few others. We gain members, and lost some as well. We played softball games every weekend, and it was like that until high school where I met another softball player, who was also my rival: Kitzawa Hagumi. We don't hate each other, but when it comes to softball, we would start to get competitive towards each other.

"So our teams are playing each other this coming Saturday, right?" I asked Hagumi as I visited her family's shop like I normally do.

"Yeah, and I wished it was happening right now!" Hagumi said with a big smile on her face.

"Just make sure you don't cry like a baby when my team takes first place." I smirked.

"No need, because that's going to be your team." Hagumi replied with determination in her eyes.

I couldn't ask for a better rival.

"I'm going to need a victory croquet to fuel my energy." I said.

"Right! Leave it to me!" Hagumi said as she began to make the croquet for me.

After waiting for a few minutes, Hagumi came back with croquet for me, fresh out of the fryer.

"Here you go, (Y/N)-chan. One croquet fresh out of the fryer." She said and gave it to me.

"Thanks, Hagumi-chan. Even though we're rivals, I can't deny that you're the best at making croquettes." I said and took a bite out of it.

"Hehe, thank you. I do the best I can to please the customers." She said.

Hagumi and I chatted for a little bit longer before I headed home.

The weekend...

Location - Softball Field

Finally, the big day is here. My softball team vs Hagumi's softball team. My team has been practicing really hard for this game, and knowing Hagumi, her team did the same thing. Of course, softball is all about sportsmanship and we all have a good time while playing.

On the day of the game, my coach and teammates began to discuss on which positions we'll be playing in. To my surprise, I received the one position I didn't expect to get.

"Are you pulling my leg, coach?" I asked her in shock.

"I'm not pulling your leg, (Y/N)-chan. I want you to be the pitcher." She said.

During all the years that I have played softball, I have never once been asked to pitch. This is definitely the opportunity I have been waiting for.

"But why me, coach?" I asked. "I'm sure one of the other players can do it."

The coach smiled at me.

"I picked you because you're the most experienced member on this team, and I know you can pull this off." She said.

The coach believes me... Right now, I couldn't be more happier.

"Don't worry, coach, I'll do my best for the team!" I said.

The coach smiled at me, and soon it was close to game time. I did a few warm up pitches before the game could officially began. For the sake of my team, I will carry us to victory.

Top of the 6th

We are now in the 6th inning of the softball game between my team and Hagumi's. The start of this game felt pretty even so far. However, as we entered the bottom of the 6th, the score was now 3 to 6, with Hagumi's team in the lead.

I did well on pitching for a while, but the coach made an executive decision to switch me out for someone, as she thinks that I needed to rest for a while. She had me watch the other members go out there, and tried their best to carry the team to victory. I wish I could go back out there, but the coach wouldn't let me.

"Please, coach, let me get back out there." I pleaded.

"Sorry, but you've been playing since the first inning, you need a break." She said.

The next person to bat was Hagumi. She had that "I'm going to get a home run" look in her eyes. The ball was thrown to her, but she missed it.


The ball was thrown again, and Hagumi didn't hit it.


I can tell that she was just warming up. As the ball was thrown again, Hagumi missed it once again.


Two strikes already? This is strange. The ball was thrown again, and this time, Hagumi got another ball.


Two balls and two strikes. I'm convinced she is still warming up. The ball was thrown again, and Hagumi... hit out of the park?! With that home run now, the score is now 3 to 7.

"Leave it to Hagumi-chan to do something like that." I said to myself.

End of the game...

What an intense game we had against Hagumi's team. At first, I didn't know if we could win, but it was thanks to a plan I cooked up, we were able to make a big comeback. The final score was 8 - 7, and it ended with me taking a grandslam for my team.

When the game ended, we said "good game" to the other team, and I was able to talk to Hagumi.

"Well, looks like the better team won this time, huh?" I said.

"Yeah, I guess so." Hagumi replied.

"But still, your team had us on the ropes for a while." I pointed out.

"Hehe, Hagumi just knew you very well." She said.

Hearing that made me smile.

"Hagumi-chan, do you think it's possible for me to have a croquet or two?" I asked.

"I don't see why not. All that moving around has made it hungry." Hagumi replied.

Despite us being rivals, it looked like Hagumi had the same idea as me, and I'm glad that I met her.

The end

A/N: That is it for this one-shot, and I hoped you guys liked it. This was probably an easy one-shot to write up because it is related to sports, though there were a few moments where I did struggled a little. See you in the next one-shot and have a good one. :)

BanG Dream One-Shots Book 1 [Male/Female Readers] [Requests Closed]Where stories live. Discover now