Affectionate Rei x Male Reader

531 12 13

Requested by KreY-Ra

Your POV

Hey there, my name is (Y/N) (L/N), and I am both a guitarist and a vocalist for no band. That's right, I am a solo act. Always have been, and always will be. Usually I play my guitar at the station, which is normally crowded. However, some of them don't even know that I existed to begin with, but I know that it was going to change soon enough.

It was now in the evening when I got to the station. Like the other times I have been here, there were a lot of people coming and going. I began to set up my guitar and started playing, hoping I can get their attention. And by the time I started singing the first song that came into my head, people were strongly interested and walked over to stare at me.

"Hey, who is that kid?" A woman asked.

"I don't know..." A man replied to her. "But I heard from one of my peers that he comes here a lot to play his guitar and sing."

At this point, I wasn't paying attention to how many people were watching me perform. I was too focused on the sound of my voice and my guitar. But when I finished my song, I looked up and saw people clapping and cheering for me. I started to blush a little by the amount of attention I was getting.

"Hehe, thank you guys for coming listen to me." I said.

As the crowd began to walk off, someone walked over towards me. It was a girl who was taller than me, but could probably be the same age as me.

"I was watching you perform just now, and I must say, you have done an excellent job." She said with a smile.

"Really? Oh, thank you." I said as a small blush appears on my face.

"Yeah, you're welcome. I hope I get to see you perform again someday." She said before walking off.

Who was that girl? Whoever she was, I hope I can see her again.

A few days later...

Location - Station Entrance

I'm back at the station again a few days later after encountering that girl. I was hoping to see her again if I continued playing out here, but no matter how often I tried, it didn't happen. I wonder if it's because she is busy with her own life. That has to be the case. 

However, things began to change while setting up my guitar.

"I had a feeling I would see you again."

I looked up and saw that girl again.

"Oh, hi there." I said. "Nice to see you again."

"Nice to see you, too." The girl said. "Are you going to be performing again?"

"I am, and I'm going to do whatever I can to make this performance better than the last one." I replied.

"I hope so."

"By the way, my name is Wakana Rei." She said, introducing herself. "What's your name?"

"My name is (Y/N) (L/N)." I said, introducing myself. I've actually seen her before. Rei, aka Layer, really has made a name for herself by becoming the vocalist for Raise A Suilen.

"(Y/N), huh?" She smiled. "That's a cute name."

"You think my name is cute?" I asked as a small blush appears on my face.

"Yes, of course."

This is quite embarrassing, no one has ever said to me that my name is cute. Rei really is the nicest person I have ever met.

"So, how about you show me that performance of yours?"

"Sure thing."

I began to play my guitar, and I was started singing as well. While doing this, Rei sat down and stared me with a smile on her face. It's like I was making her day or something. But after a while, I was done with both singing and playing at the same time. Rei began to clap for me.

"Well, how was that?" I asked.

"I think that was the most wonderful thing I have ever heard." She replied and gave me a hug.

Of course, I hugged her back, but there was something odd going on with Rei. It's almost like... she's a completely different person. As she kept hugging me, we made eye contact with each other, and I felt like my heart was racing.

"Just so you know..." She began. "I'm secretly affectionate to those who've peek my interest."

Peek her interest? I guess that means she is interested in me...

"Is that so?"

"Yep. Come on, let me show you."

Rei took my hand and began to take me somewhere. I don't know where we're going, but I have a feeling I was going to find out soon enough.

30 minutes later...

Location - Wakana Residence, Rei's Room

Turns out the place Rei dragged me to was her bedroom at her parents' house. It was lucky that they weren't here, otherwise they might be a bit suspicious that their daughter brought home someone they don't know. Rei told me that they were going to be gone all weekend, which seems to workout for her.

She took me to her bedroom and I was amazed by how amazing it was. It was a lot better than my room, that's for sure. Rei sat down on her bed and I sat down next her. She began to look at me with a smile on her face.

"(Y/N), your song today was amazing."

"I'm glad that you think so."

"And while you were playing your song, something interesting happened." She said as her face went red a little.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I think... I am falling in love with you."

Hearing that made my heart skip a beat. Rei is in love with me? I didn't see that coming at all. But what made her want to fall in love with me, though? Nothing about is really interesting to begin with.

"Wow, Rei, I'm flattered and all, but... I don't even know what you see in me..." I said as I looked down at the ground.

"Well, remember what I said about being affectionate towards those who interest me?" She asked.

"Yeah, I remember." I replied. "But I don't see what that has to do with me."

"You'll see..."

As I looked towards her, Rei came closer and placed her lips upon mine. She was kissing me, and I was blushing like crazy. I kissed her back, and the two of us shared a passionate kiss. I guess this is how Rei is affectionate towards the one she loves.

We broke the kiss, and we smiled at each other while staring.

"I think I know on how affectionate you really are, Rei." I told her. 

"Good to know." She winked at me before giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"So then... does this mean that... we're together?" Rei asked while her cheeks were red. 

"Yeah, I guess it does." I replied as my cheeks turned red as well.

The end

A/N: That is it for this one-shot, and I hoped you guys liked it. This is the last time I'll say this, but the request page for the second one-shot book ends this Tuesday. Still want to make a request? Then do it now. And even though this book will still be active, I'm going to try to launch the first one-shot of the second book in June. I don't know when, though, so bare with me for a while.

See you guys in the next one-shot, and have a good one. :)

BanG Dream One-Shots Book 1 [Male/Female Readers] [Requests Closed]Where stories live. Discover now