Rinko x Gamer Female Reader

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[Non requested idea]

Your POV

Hi there, my name is (Y/N) (L/N), and throughout myself, I've always kept to myself, at least out here in the real world. But when I am playing online games, I can just be myself and have fun. It is kind of weird that I am the only female at my school that only loves online gaming. But that was going to change soon enough.

I usually like to livestream whenever I do online gaming, so when I got a comment telling me that I should play this game, I was letting my curiosity show.

"Neo Fantasy Online, huh?" I said to myself.

Looking at the reviews this game has gotten, people seem to like this game, and they think this could be something I am interested in.

"Well, okay, maybe I'll play it for at least an hour just to see whether or not this is my type of game." I said to myself and began to install the game onto my computer.

Once everything was ready to go, I began to turn on the game. As expected, I had to create my own avatar before playing the game. I decided to make a water mage as my avatar, and as for my username, It was going to be MageX39, or something like that. Usernames was something I wasn't good at.

Because I was playing this at night time, there weren't a lot of players online. However, there was one person online. It was another female player, who was more experienced. I used my character to go over to her, and began to type in the chat.

MageX39: Hi there, I just joined NFO for the first time.

Rin-Rin: Hi, nice to meet you. What made you decide to play NFO?

MageX39: People who watch me stream online games have recommended this game to me. And after reading a lot of positive reviews on it, I decided to try it myself.

Rin-Rin: That's good to know. :3

MageX39: Say, you've played this game before, right? You think you can give me some pointers?

Rin-Rin: I'd be happy to, even though I am not much of a teacher, I can teach you the best way I can.

Wow, this girl seems so nice. Even though she said she is not good at teaching, she's more experienced, so I might learn a lot from her.

MageX39: Thanks, teach me everything you know!

A few days later...

Location - Residential Area

Ah, I had an awesome day at school, despite me being all by myself. It was exam week and I felt like I did a good job on all of my tests. But as I was walking home, though, I bumped into someone, and we both ended up on the ground.

"Oh, sorry... I didn't... see you there." I said as I stood up.

"No... I should be the one... saying sorry." The girl replied.

After looking at her face for a moment, I start to realize that she is that Rin-Rin girl I met on NFO a few days ago. What are the chances of that happening, us seeing each other in real life?

"Wow, it's you, Rin-Rin." I said.

But she looked surprised.

"You know... who I am?" She asked. It sounds like she doesn't know me.

"Yeah... you gave me some pointers... for NFO." I said and realization hit her in the face.

"Oh, yeah... You're MageX39, right?" She asked.

"Yeah, but... in the real world, you can... call me (Y/N) (L/N)." I said as a faint blush appears on my face.

"Oh, then you can... call me Shirokane Rinko." She said softly.

It looks like Rinko is in the same boat as me. We're both pretty shy in real life, but when comes to online gaming, we both have a ton of confidence.

"Umm... thanks for teaching me how to properly play NFO!" I said quickly and bowed to her.

"N-No need to... thank me." Rinko replied, embarrassed.

"But you were a big help, though." I said. Looks like I am starting to warm up to Rinko more.

"You... think so?" She asked.

"Yes, of course. And if it's not too much trouble, I would like to play NFO with you again." I said.

Rinko gave me a small snile.

"I would... like that. And I can... invite my friend... Ako-chan to join us." She suggested. A chance to make another friend sounds nice.

"Yeah, good idea." I said and gave Rinko a smile of my own.

With that decided, Rinko and I exchange phone numbers with each other, and we began to head to our respective houses. I can't wait to get back home to play NFO again. Thank you for being an excellent teacher, Rinko.

The end

A/N: Thank you guys for reading this one-shot. I hope you guys like it, and I will see you in the next one-shot. :)

BanG Dream One-Shots Book 1 [Male/Female Readers] [Requests Closed]Where stories live. Discover now