Masuki x Shy Male Reader

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Requested by SonicRiderXZER0

[Final One-shot]

Your POV

Hi there, my name is (Y/N) (L/N), and I am a shy man with a mission. I am going to deliver this love letter I wrote for the most beautiful girl on the planet. Her name is Masuki, aka Masking from Raise A Suilen. I've been watching her for a while, and I must say, she is absolutely amazing when it comes to playing the drums. I always thought she was scary, but when I discovered that she likes the same stuff I do, I fell in love with her right away.

However, she doesn't know who I am, though, so chances are she is not going to fall in love with me right back, but I still want her to know that there is someone out there that loves her a lot.

"Okay, just slip this in there, and... done." I said while putting my love letter in a place that Masuki could see it.

I put my heart and soul into writing this letter. Even if she doesn't feel the same way, I'll feel easy knowing that I was able to get this done.

"I just hope that she gets a chance to read it." I said and slipped away before I could be spotted.

A few days later...

I honestly couldn't stop thinking if Masuki got my letter as the days flew by. Did she read it yet? I would hope so, because like I said before, I put my heart and soul into writing, and it would feel like a waist if she just threw it away.

But as I was feeling lost in my thoughts, I heard someone calling out to me. And it came from someone I didn't expect.

"Hey, you!"

I turned around and saw Masuki behind me with a scary expression. I was scared at first, but then my heart started racing, and I was getting butterflies in my stomach.

"Ah! Masuki!" I said.

"Hmm, so you know my name, huh?"

"Y-Yeah, I've all of RAS' shows." I answer nervously.

"I see, so you're a fan, huh?"

"Yeah, and I'm especially a big fan... of yours." I nervously said.

"A fan, huh?" She began. "Then does that mean you're responsible for writing this?"

She held up a piece of paper that was folded up. When I first saw it, my heart felt like it went to my stomach. This wasn't just any folded piece of paper, it was the love letter that I wrote for her.

"Oh, ummm..."


"Y-Yeah... I... wrote that."

"Is there a reason for that?" She asked as her scary expression got even scarier.

"Well... it's because I love you."

Masuki's scary expression towards me began to die down as soon as she heard that.

"You love me?"

"Y-Yeah, I do."

Masuki smiled at me for the first time she approached me.

"You really are cute, aren't you?" She said.

"Me? Cute?"

"You bet. Although, I don't know anything about you, so I can't accept your feelings."

"Oh, I see." I said. Good thing I was prepared to handle my rejection.

"Well, not yet at least."

"Not yet?"

"If it's okay with you, I would like to get to know you first and see what we'll become later." She explained.

And here I thought Masuki would hate me, and tell me to never talk to her again. I was prepared to deal with it. But at least she's saying that she wants to be my friend, and that makes me happy.

"Sure, Masuki, I would love to be your friend." I said with a small smile.

"Great to hear it."

"By the way, can I get your name?"

"Oh... it's (Y/N) (L/N)."

"(Y/N), huh? That sure is a cute name."

"I-It is?"

"You bet, and if you don't mind, there is a certain place I want to take you to." She said.

"Huh? And where is that?"

"You'll see."

She took my hand and began to drag me off somewhere. I guess you could say that this is a start of a beautiful friendship between me and Masuki.

The end

A/N: Thank you for reading the final one-shot for this book. I have some things I have to say in the conclusion page, then this book will be 100% done. Thank you for your support on the book, and have a good one. :)

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